"In all sincerity," Petr began, "I must entertain the possibility that you are the black weaver leading the bandits, and that you absconded with Lana upon the sight of the impending daemon horde."

While Petr's suspicion was evident, he did not exude the same level of animosity as Eryn.

"I comprehend the implausibility of my tale," I admitted, "yet Lana can attest to my truthfulness…"

"He speaks the truth!" Lana chimed in.

"As for the bandits' weaver," I pressed on, "His remains are right there."

The adventurers fell into a stunned silence as I indicated Karyon's statue, which was being hauled by the sprite porter, seemingly oblivious to the rest of its surroundings.

"I had been meaning to question that…"

"I can discern a statue and a bag…but how do they hover in mid-air?"

The first to voice their bewilderment were the two warriors, a man of middle age (though likely younger than myself) named David, and a youthful lad named Greg. They were wholly engrossed by the levitating objects. On the other hand, the red-haired woman, Vaness, appeared least bothered by the sight, preferring instead to maintain vigilance over our environment.

"Nevertheless, your intervention saved us and ensured our victory over the fiends," Petr resumed. "For that, I am deeply grateful." He dipped his head in a gesture of respect toward me.

"I-I appreciate it! It was only my duty."

"In truth, we owe you a debt for our lives."

Both Greg and David echoed Petr's sentiments with their own words of gratitude.

"I suppose I must acknowledge, your intervention was beneficial," Eryn added, with a hint of reluctance.

While the extent of Petr and the others' faith in my account remained uncertain, I had, at the very least, seemingly won a modicum of their trust.

"Well, you see... Lana asked me to, so..." I attempted to justify.

"Mister Ember is extraordinary! He commands magic!" Lana interjected yet again.

In my former profession in sales within the States, one often encountered excessive deference. My own experience mirrored this. However, never before had I been lauded for preserving lives (as I had never been in a situation to do so). I found myself flustered! At a loss for words, I was grateful when Lana stepped in. Regrettably, her words seemed to grate on Eryn.

"Weavers bereft of mana are impossibilities!" Eryn declared, her voice rising as though she could no longer contain her vexation.

Devoid of mana, I pondered. Karyon had asserted something quite similar. What implications did that bear?

"In relation to that, I have some inquiries. Are the Weavers of Dravus capable of perceiving mana?"

To be clear, if I employed the appropriate incantation, I should have been capable of detecting mana as well. However, according to the rules of T&T, mana was not a prerequisite for spellcasting.

"Certainly we can!" Eryn retorted, her tone sharp.

"But isn't it weaving that's causing the statue and bag to levitate?" questioned the cleric, Philip. Despite his formidable armor, shield, and mace, the young man exuded an air of casual tranquility.

"Well..." Eryn began, but was swiftly cut off.

"Wait," Vaness interjected in a hushed tone. "More fiends approach."

From Gamer to Mage: The Reincarnated Hero's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now