Sonic's Summer Vacation

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(Distant School Bells, Music Playing, Bugs Bunny Pops in.

Bugs Bunny: Hold it! (Record scratch) Why don't we shake things up a bit for the First Day of our Sweet Vacation?

The Author: Oh! Sure! Hit It, Boys!

(Upbeat, Calypso-style music plays)

Bugs: Yeah! There we Go! That's shaking it up!

The Heroic Student Group plays different instruments

Bugs: (singing) 🎵 Even when I'm weary, and I just can't carry on, and the world is like an endless debt for me to pay...

Bugs and Bluey: (singing) 🎵 Even when the Neon seems to shine more than the Sun, and the Secret Place I live in feels so far away... Still, I've got a Ticket for a magic holiday, and it's always booked and ready, oh Come what may!🎵

Thomas: (singing) Whoa-Whoa!

All Heroic Kids: (sing) 🎵 Sweet vacation, Recreation, Destination: Home!

Bugs: (singing) My friends can take me!

All Heroic Kids: (sing) 🎵 Sweet vacation, Recreation, Destination: Home!

Bluey: (singing) 🎵 My friends can take me home! 🎵

The Students are Seen Dancing

SONICJOHNZ Writing Presents

In Association with Cartoon Elementary Studios

A Cartoon Playhouse Production

Eric Bauza as Bugs Bunny in:


Kids: (singing) 🎵 Still I've got a Ticket for a magic holiday, and it's always booked and ready, oh Come what may! Whoa, Whoa!🎵

All Heroic Kids: (sing) 🎵 Sweet vacation, Recreation, Destination: Home!

Bugs: (singing) My friends can take me!

All Heroic Kids: (sing) 🎵 Sweet vacation, Recreation, Destination: Home!

Bugs: (singing) My friends can take me!

All Heroic Kids: (sing) 🎵 Sweet vacation, Recreation, Destination: Home!

Bugs: (singing) My friends can take me...

All: 🎵  (singing) Home!

The Kids Laugh as the Intro Fades out

The following is a short Recap of What Happened during Season Two: The Second Semester of Cartoon Elementary. This is not recommended for new Readers of Cartoon Elementary, as it does Contain Spoilers.

Bingo: Previously on Cartoon Elementary...

Mr. Rhule: Welcome Back, Students. I hope you all had a nice and relaxing Christmas Holiday, and now it's time to focus our efforts on the important Second Semester. The Superintendent is coming at the End of the Year to review us, so do your best!

Kids: We will!

Bluey: Who is the Superintendent Anyway?

Bugs: The Superintendent Is the Head Honcho of the WHOLE School District. He's the Man in Charge of How the School gets its funding, what its Education Program will look like, and, most importantly, making sure everything is going right at the schools they oversee, and that everything's up to date.

Cartoon Elementary Season 3: Summer VacationWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt