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(AUTHOR'S NOTE : I am here, in the Rathore Mansion, as a Character. Please pardon this as my creative liberty ; and do try to spot Me 🙈.)


Evening : 5 P.M.

"Well well well.... Mrs. Rathore, how Shameless of You to call us back here... after how you had insulted us." Anu sneered.

"That was for Your Daughter Laughing at an inappropriate moment in someone else's house, Anu Aunty."

"Arpi... Bas."

"Ji Maa. Sorry."

Malini appeared disinterested, scrolling through Her Phone.

"Hmmm this is why you could only manage to get a struggling Chef as your second husband, Arpita. I mean... You're Beautiful, Rich, Post-Graduate, but what use is all of these with that attitude of Yours ?"

"And of what use is your Regressive, Criminal Mind ?"

A Voice boomed from the entrance, as Dev Chaturvedi stepped foot into the Mansion, flanked by His Mother and a Lawyer.

"Papa ??? Dadi ??? .... Kunal ????" Malini whisper-yelled in shock.

Dev took a look at Malini, to spot His sweet Daughter Malu.

He sighed in disappointment.

"Haa Malu. I had to land here - to meet You."

"Dev, you absconded from performing Our Daughter's Kanyaadaan." Anu spoke through gritted teeth.

"One of the few good things that I had done, Anu. Don't remind me."

A set of Police Officers swarmed into the Rathore Mansion behind Dev.

"Mrs. Anuja Chaturvedi, and Miss. Malini Chaturvedi - Shilpa Vijay IPS, ACP of South Delhi Zone here. I am placing both of You under Arrest. Both of You have several charges ; Please co-operate with the proceedings and don't make us use force."

"What did you mean ??? On what basis are you placing us under arrest ?" Anu hissed.

"Papa... What is all this ??"
Malini whined.

"Malu... How could you stoop this low ??? And this, think of it as me taking responsibility for all my faults. It is my destiny to watch you and your mother being arrested. But it is necessary... And before this... Mr. Chauhan... Kunal here... was the only Lawyer available on short notice. Malu you would know what area He specialises in, right ?"

"That can't be .... Papa... Are you really doing this !"

"Yes Malu. Anu, this was long due - Kunal has my Divorce Papers ready, any financial support you need after you come back from Jail, will be given to you by then."

Kunal finally dared to look at Malini.

This pained Him... To See this Woman whom He had admired, stooping this low. Once, he had fantasised a future with Her, reprimanding Himself for even thinking like that about His Client.
Malini Chaturvedi existed as a sweet, betrayed woman for Him.

That courageous woman had no resemblance apart from Looks, to the Criminal standing in front of His eyes.

Kunal averted His eyes.
He had truly dodged a bullet. It was time to focus on His duty.

ACP Shilpa Vijay IPS, smiling, her voice ice-cold : "I will give you a rough idea, you Miss Chaturvedi, have the charges of Child Neglect and Abuse, manslaughter for trying to harm both your Child and your Younger Sister ... And that is just counting the recent charges. I had an international phone call with Your Ex's Family in Australia - Forcing a Man without Consent, huh. You are aware what that is, right ?? Tch tch tch...You have made several attempts to take the Life of your Sister, tried to sell Her off twice... And You Mrs. Chaturvedi, you are listed as an accomplice in all these, and your Mother in Law and Husband - sorry, Ex Mother-in-Law and Ex-Husband here, has testified as Witnesses, against You torturing Mrs. Imlie Aryan Singh Rathore, by several means : let me see - hitting on her head with a Tube Light ?? Wah kyaa baat hai !! We shall collect a Written Complaint from Mrs.Imlie when She is doing better, for now, your Crimes as an Accomplice itself is enough. One or Two Non-Bailable offences as well, huh ! Great ! You're looking at almost 25 Years in Prison - and Your Daughter, well, She'll definitely surpass that, no worries !"

Anu and Malini raged : "These accusations are baseless !"

ACP Shilpa Vijay IPS : "Oh are they now ??? Please bring them all in."

2 Police Constables ushered in the Pandit Ji and His Wife, holding Baby Gudiya.

Dev : "Malu .... You used and then.... abandoned your Child ??? How could you do this ???"

Dev sobbed as He bowed in front of the Pandit Ji, thanking Him for taking care of the Baby, as He took His Granddaughter in His Arms.

Dev : "I am Not Her Parent, but due to your Charges, I'll be fighting for this One's Custody. I can only try to right my wrongs if I ensure that She turns out the best of every one here. Maa will help me."

As Dev's Mother cradled the Baby, Sundar and Arpita brought out Raju.

Sundar : "ACP Saheba, Raju here is the Witness, and He has the recorded Proof from the CCTV as well. The Pandit Ji said that the Temple also has CCTV Footage of Malini abandoning Gudiya."

Arpita : "And don't even think that you would be able to get out using your Influence. Maa has called up every contact we had made because of Aru, Arvind and Dad. Every one sooooo wanted to be in the good books of Aryan Singh Rathore. Also, Dev Uncle here has also contacted People. And Sundar Ji, if I my memory is correct, Satyakaam Uncle has also exerted pressure using His Party, right ?"

Sundar : "Exactly. And if you 2 Maa-Beti still try something, then don't forget that our Imaliya is one of the youngest investigative Journalists around - She has a Network."

Narmada : "Any Move, Anu, it will be made sure that You 2 have absolutely No other option other than suicide in the Jail."

ACP Shilpa Vijay IPS : "You 2 Ladies could really star in Crime Patrol Episodes - the charge-sheets will be no different from the Next Episode's Script. Anyway, thank you all for co-operating with my duty. Also, convey my wishes to Mr. Rathore and Imlie - She has helped me in 2-3 cases. Very Talented Girl. And now, Arrest These 2. We don't have all day. I'll take my leave, all of You - Good Evening."

As the 2 were taken away, Dev turned to Narmada.

"Can I see Her ?"


Meethi's Voice echoed from the Corridor, as Satyakaam and Her emerged into the Hall.


To be continued.....

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