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"You can Not meet My Gudiya."

Dev looked startled as Meethi continued on, a sort of resigned rage evident on Her face, while Satyakaam remained stoic.

"She is Not in a state to see you or be reminded of anything that Her so-called Sister has done - Neither She, nor Aryan Babu knows. Let them grieve and move on."

On the Landing, Imlie stood unnoticed by everyone except Aryan, clutching a pillar for support, her eyes reflecting her feeling of being lost, while Aryan stood numb behind her, transfixed at the extent Malini had stooped down to. To be honest, he was Not surprised at all.

Imlie had wanted to see what the raised voices were about, and Aryan had followed her.

"Meethi... I...."

"Do Not take Her Name."
Satyakaam spoke through clenched teeth, glaring at Dev.

He continued : "We are all here to make sure that they both are alright - what happens from here on is Not concerned with you."

Dev bent His head, and replied, to no one in particular :
"We'll take our leave, then. We'll be here for one month to complete all the formalities... And then... Narmada Ji, thank you for looking out for this Baby. She is all that I have left, now."

Narmada nodded her head as She caressed the sleeping baby for one last time.

As Sundar and Raju left to drop off the Pandit Ji and the Kunal, and give witness statements, Narmada saw off Dev, His Mother and Gudiya.

Arpita sighed - it had been a long day.

As She turned and looked up, She froze as She saw Imlie and Aryan watching the proceedings, their faces silently screaming shock.


Aryan watched as Arpita tucked Imlie into Bed.

It had been just 5 Hours since they woke up - Not even a quarter of a Day, to be precise - but it had been the longest day ever.

"Aru, how are You doing ?"

"I don't know, Didi... But She... is Angry."

Arpita nodded : "Did you expect otherwise ?"

Aryan : "Yes - in the sense, I expected Her to be Angry in a way I deserved : slap me, hit me, hurt me, hurl abuses at me. But Her Silence... this is killing me, Didi... I do not know what is hurting me the most - whether it is the Loss We Both faced .... Or this Silence of Hers .... Or watching Her going through this.... All of these are merging into one after the other... And I am feeling scared, Didi - of myself ! I pushed you and Maa away 4 Years back and yesterday I did the same to Her - Di... I am so so sorry for doing that to you and Maa. I know this apology won't suffice - but I don't know why I do things like that at times when we all need each other."

Aryan fell on Arpita's Shoulder as She led Him away to the Corridor, towards the Window at the end.

Arpita : "Aru .... how about both of You go for Therapy ? One of my School Friends is a renowned one. Actually, both You and Imlie should - both of You have suffered enough in this young age. Think about this. And about Imlie... Yes, Her Silence is a reminder, Aru. So ofcourse, it will be more deafening than her words. After some days, Meethi Ji and Satyakaam Uncle has plans to take both of You to Pagdandiya for some days - why don't you 2 go and experience a change of scenery ?"

Aryan : "I will talk to Imlie .... "

Arpita : "Aren't you scared that Imlie might leave You ?"

Aryan : "I don't know how I can survive Di.. If She goes away... But if that gives Her peace of mind, then She should Di. All I want is Her to be Okay, much more than Her being with Me."

Arpita : "Aru... You have to be Okay too... You... You are still standing... There... 4 Years back.. you can not do this to us."

Aryan : "I know Di. And I am sorry, I'll change this."

Arpita : "Yes. I'm sure you would. You be with Imlie, I'll send up some light food for both of You."

They walked back and entered the room once again.


Aryan rushed and checked under the Bed.

Not there.

Arpita checked the Washroom.

Mohan Bhaiyya rushed in with her miniature Sita Maiyya Idol in his Palms, a velvet covering on it.

"Bitiya, Aryan Baba, I found this from the kitchen side bush - it appeared to have been thrown down !"

Aryan sat down on the Bed, all hope lost, as a horrified Arpita switched her gaze between the Idol and Aryan.

Arpita : "What does this mean ??!!!"

Aryan, tears streaming down His Cheeks : "Di .... She ... Lost Her Faith. And She left for somewhere."


To be continued....

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