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(Dadda is here, y'all 😎.)

Satyakaam gazed at the huge larger-than-life garlanded photo that hung on the wall.

The kind, calm eyes of Arvind Shekhawat Chauhan gazed back at Him. It seemed as if He wanted to speak something, make a statement.

He felt a presence near Him.

"They haven't yet woken up, Uncle Ji."

"It is okay Sundar Beta. I already saw both of them."

"Uncle Ji..."


"Are you..."


"Are you taking...."

Satyakaam bowed his head, lost in thought.

"No Beta, I am Not here to take Her away - that is Her Decision to take. What I want to know is.. what is the Plan now ? What about that Baby ? The Chaturvedi Women ?"

Meethi and Him had arrived 2 Hours back, and had straightaway gone to check on both Imlie and Aryan.

Something had broken in Satyakaam's heart when they saw their Little Girl asleep, clutching Her stomach, as if trying to hold on to Their Grandchild.

He had taken a sobbing Meethi to see Aryan, and had found Him asleep clutching what looked like a Baby's clothing.

Satyakaam had Never felt so angry at The Goddess.

The Last 2 Hours had been nothing short of a whirlwind of emotions for Him, as Narmada Ji had confessed each and everything that had happened in the past months after He had seen off His Daughter at Her Wedding.

He had been angry at Meethi as well, for stopping Imaliya while She ran away from the Wedding. That Child of His had wished for the co-existence of Her autonomy and belongingness, and every single day in Her Life had been Nothing but a see-saw game between the 2.

But Aryan and Imlie had surpassed everything together. So here they were.

More than Anger, Satyakaam had been numb when He heard of what all Aryan had raged.

Rage was boiling in Him, as well.

But look at where all those got them.

If taking away Imaliya meant that She would be absolutely Happy, then Satyakaam was ready to do exactly that.

But someone from inside Him spoke aloud that that would be a very bad decision.

After all, Meethi also must have seen something when She stopped Imaliya on Her Wedding Day.

He needed to understand what it was that caused Aryan to lash out like that - This, was a Boy, who had relentlessly stood by His Imaliya, and stood for Imaliya, and constantly urged Her to stand for herself through out these months, even when they were Strangers.

While His Imaliya doing the same for others was Not a New Thing for Him, someone, doing the same for Her was a First.

That was when Arpita Bitiya had come forward.

After She narrated what all the Family went through, Now, Satyakaam did Not know what to feel.

He had rarely felt this overwhelmed in His Life.

But this, was one such moment.

Both these Kids had suffered through a lot.

And their Pains had caused them more hurt to themselves and to each other, then was justified.

Sita Maiyya.... they have lots to do and achieve in Life. Please give their pains to us !

Meethi was in the Hall, after She had listened to whatever happened. She was in a dazed state after She had heard of everything.

Like Satyakaam, She did Not know how to feel or what to feel.

Sundar continued :

"We have the Evidence with us. Raju here, is also a Witness. Chaturvedi Bade Saheb and His Mother will be arriving in an hour or two. And He'll be bringing the Police straight here, after the Chaturvedi Women have been called here. The Baby is safe with the Pandit Ji at the Temple for now - I called him up just 15 Minutes back to ensure."

Satyakaam nodded, but His Lips tightened in distaste at the mention of the Chaturvedi Women and the One who had caused everyone so much Pain - Dev.

He could still remember Meethi's muffled cries as if it was just Yesterday.

Dev better take care of this mess.

He was already 2 Decades late.


To Be Continued......

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