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('The Earth's Daughter' is a Poem that I had written 2 Years back, and it is Published in My Book of 20 Poems DECLAIMING OVERTONES : RHYTHMS OF A HEART, which is available in Amazon and Kindle as Hard Copy and Digital Copy respectively.

I felt that it suited Imlie's Mental State, and hence, has added it. Let me know what you guys think.)

My Dearest Mother Earth,
Cradle Me in My Endless Sleep.
I long for Your Warm Embrace,
as I journey into
the Great Oblivion.

Help Me Evolve My Being into
the Breeze that cools the land,
the Lightning that sprouts the seeds,
the Rain that spreads the Green,
and the Rays that bloom the Flowers.

Let me transcend
the Great Void,
and become Life
for All of Eternity,
Let Death... Be My Resurrection.

Imlie slowly opened her eyes.


She slowly caressed Her tummy.

There was No Heartbeat in reply.

She widened Her eyes in a terrifying jolt of shock that spread through Her Entire Being.

And then, everything hit her at once.

Imlie laid there, numb, as memories from yesterday flooded her brain.

She clutched Her tummy, agony searing her entire body.

Sita Maiyya....

Cheeku was with Her.

Why didn't you take Me as well ???

She remembered a Man so beloved to Her raging and blaming Her yesterday.

His face, drenched in pain - She had Not seen Him in that much Pain ever. Pain that She had caused.

It had stunned Her.

But... all She wanted yesterday was to hold him and be held in return. Was that too much of an ask ?

Today's Wakefulness, though only a few moments of age, was draining Her.

How was She supposed to go on from here ????

Where would She go ??

And wherever She goes, what if the same thing occurs ??

After all, all Her Life, She had been left alone.... Maybe they could all see that She was Not worth being Family.

She should Not have been born.

Why didn't Amma just kill her off ??

Why did Dadda support Her so much !!!!

What did She give anyone in return ???

What did She give the Man whom She had Loved ? Endless Pain in loop ? She had thrown Him back to the same Pain that he had gone through, 4 Years back !

She willed for tears to come.

But none did. All She felt was a deafening emptiness inside.

All Her Life... She had Chosen Life - to plough on, even when the path was tough, even when the path could Not be seen.

But Now ???

She was choosing Death.

But even Death had abandoned Her !!

Tears finally blurred Her Vision, as what all Aryan had said came crashing down upon Her - and finally, She felt Herself cracking, as the fire in His Words seared Her. Yet again.

She closed Her eyes, tears burning her inner eye muscles.

Make this Stop !!! Please !!!

Imlie writhed, Pain chipping away at Her Being, clutching the pillows, sobs finally wracking Her body, overtaking the cramps She felt.

A few feet away in the corridor, from outside the Window, Aryan watched in Horror, the sight before His eyes rendering him immobilised.

Imlie, eyes closed, tear tracks in criss-cross on Her face, clutching at Her stomach in cramps, and trying to feel Their Cheeku, Pain tearing at Her weak body.

Suddenly, His Muscles were on autopilot, as He pushed the Door open. In the blink of an eye, his legs took Him to Her Bedside, as He sat down and pulled Her close to Him.

Imlie opened Her Eyes.


To be continued.....

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