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Meethi had never felt so much hatred before.

The Mother-Daughter duo stood in the Hall as if they owned the World, without a care.

For something Dev did, why were they after Her and Her Child ??? They had gone a step - a generation - further and erased Her Grandchild as well.

What stunned Meethi was how they had disregarded their own Child as well.

How are they doing this !!!

Rage bubbled inside Meethi, as She felt a soothing arm behind her.

She leaned into the touch.


"Meethi, we should Not wrestle with Pigs. Because the Pig will stink us as well. They do Not really have any idea why they are here - Narmada Ji has made up a ruse about selling some business shares to them, citing Aryan's inability to take care of the business in this condition."

"And these People agreed ? After all, Narmada Ji herself had asked them to Leave yesterday night !"

"That we will have to see once it pans out. But I think, that, this is it for them."

"Did you see the Kids ?"

"Yes, both of them are together."

Meethi heaved a sigh of relief : "Aren't you angry at Aryan ?"

"Honestly Meethi, I really do Not know at this point. I can easily get angry, get my gun and shoot everyone down in rage and take Imaliya back with us. But what will that result in ? Will Our Imaliya be peaceful henceforth ? No. What matters here is what Our Imaliya decides. And You ? Your instinct certainly saw something when You stopped Imaliya from running away from the Mandap. We can Not ignore that."

"Satyakaam, I knew something was right in this Boy - then, Not as someone suitable for Imaliya, but as a Person - when He gave all of Himself, which was all He had, while He rushed after Her into Aatank's Hideout. I confirmed that He was suitable for our Child, when He put His Bare Hands into the Sacred Fire during the Wedding, to retrieve Imaliya' Certificates and Trophies. I had seen Our Gudiya doing that for People - but it was the first time, I had seen someone apart from Us doing that for Her. And as for what Our Gudiya felt, I am Her Mother, because I learned, unlearned and relearned several things with Her - I could sense that She had Loved Him since much before She accepted. It was in the way She spoke about Him. It was .... Different from the previous time."

"Different ? How ?"

"She spoke of what all She had done for Herself - Not for others. That is how it was Different from the Previous Time. He had supported Her in the guise of a Boss supporting an Employee - but none of Imaliya's Colleagues were receiving that kind of support. He ... He has only urged Her to move forward. Aryan Babu had also loved Her from afar for far too long. I .. can See Us, in Them."

Tears fell down Meethi's Cheeks as She turned towards Satyakaam, who took Her back to the corridor.

"Satyakaam, do you think Narmada Ji will....."

"No She won't. That is why She asked Aryan and Arpita's Badi Maa and Her Niece to leave. She has realised what She did wrong. Even then... "

"What ?"

"Meethi, I think we should take both Aryan Babu and Gudiya with us to Pagdandiya for sometime."

"Doctor Saheba..."

"Yes, after consulting with Her. I think both have been exhausted for too long ; they need a change."

"Satyakaam, won't the Villagers taunt Aryan Babu and Gudiya if they see them distraught ? They can easily guess these things. Or else, they might make up rumours."

"I think us and Amma Ji can manage this. We could make up something - that both of them saw something cruel during a sting operation of hers or something like that .... Sita Maiyya gave us Brains to use them ; such white lies won't harm anyone."

Meethi nodded fervently in agreement as both of them witnessed Anu ordering one of the house-helps around. Neither Anu Nor Malini had spotted either of them. They preferred to keep it that way.

Meethi and Satyakaam watched as Narmada, Arpita and Sundar stood in the hall, making reluctant small talk with Anu and Malini.


To Be Continued....

AryLie : UNITEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon