Part 8/1) Matthew Visits Some Mothers

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Before going to see Damien's mom, Matthew went to see Sienna's mom. She opened the door right on up and let him in. She would talk to anyone she thought might help her get her baby girl home. It was obvious she had not seen the missing teenagers. She could not talk about them without tearing up.

"I'm worried sick. If Sienna is pregnant, I have counted it up, the baby is due any day. Is she ok? Has she had a baby? That two-bit hood done took my Sienna away. I'm gonna smack his smart-ass face when I see him again. Do you think Sienna is afraid that I am going to be mad at her, and she is afraid to come home?"

Matthew reassured her he did not think Sienna thought this. "I am sure wherever she is, she is trying to get home." And, he thought, I'm gonna smack that two-bit hood too when I see him. Matthew promised he would help find Sienna and bring her home.

Sienna's mom said, "Thank you. I don't know who you are, but I believe you will help my baby girl. You have the look of a man who will help a lady out. Thank you for everything you are doing. God Bless you."

"Thank you, ma'am," said Matthew.

Next, Matthew went to see Damien's mom.

Matthew knew Damien's mom. Well, not really knew her, knew her, but knew her situation. Single mom, rough and tough, probably doing the best she can in a world with few breaks in her direction. She was a fighter when it came to her boy, at the same time she was making poor decisions that shaped him and affected how he turned out.

Matthew rang the doorbell. A man answered.

The man said:  I'm her boyfriend. She's taking a nap. What'cha want?

Matthew explained that he was there to ask some questions about Damien and his disappearance with his girlfriend, Sienna. He hinted he was on official business.

Boyfriend said:  Well, she's done talking to the papers and the po-lease. She does not know where he is, or that stupid mayor either.

Matthew flashed a badge he sometimes used for these particular occasions.

Matthew said:   I am not the papers or the po-lease. I'm from a higher authority.

Damien's mom who heard the commotion got up. She was suspicious, there was an older man in her living room. Good looking, but still, Damien had told her that he was running from an old man that fit this man's description.

She said:  Who are you then? I don't 'member talking to you before.

Matthew said:  I'm an agent of the law. An agent who wants to help you find Damien and Sienna.

Damien's mom said:   Ain't seen 'em.

Matthew explained:  We have reason to believe they're in the area. We are concerned. We believe they may be in danger. We are concerned for the baby.

Damien's mom said:   What danger you talking about? And by the way, ain't no baby. She lost it, didn't carry it very long.

Matthew pulled out the surveillance photo of an obviously pregnant Sienna crossing the street.

Damien's mom said:  Where'd you get this picture?

Matthew said:   Made in Texas about a month ago. And for your information, there's a reward offered for information about the missing teenagers.

Boyfriend asked:   Reward, how much?

Damien's mom said:  Don't matter if it's a million dollars. We ain't seen 'em. Now, I'll kindly ask you to leave. I gotta take a nap before I go in on second shift.

Matthew said:  Well, here's my phone number if you change your mind. Don't forget, there's a big reward for any useful information.

Matthew knew this mom knew something, but he was unsure of his next move. He left to return to Riverview Retirement Center to get some expert advice.

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