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"No! No! No!!!" I sank against the wall. This cannot be happening. In other circumstances, this could be one of the romantic cliches every girl wants. Being locked up in a dark room with the guy she likes.

But of course, the goddess of love gave me the opportunity with a twist.

I am stuck in a dark haunted room with the guy I like on the one day I was supposed to get home early. Today is my grandfathers 7th death anniversary. Almost every one of my uncles, aunts, and cousins will be there and I'm here.

"Bhoomi calm down." Abhis hand clamped down on my shoulder.

"Calm down? Calm down?" I yelled, "Did you do this on purpose to get me alone?"

"What?" Abhi scoffed "Why would I- Bhoomi I would love to get you alone in a room. But in a clean room with a bed and not covered in... Achoo" he sneezed "Dust."

"God! What am I going to do? My dad- hes gonna" The thought made me slide down the wall. The clear sound of cloth ripping rang through the air. I froze. The draft inside the room chilled my now-torn top.

Abhi froze. "Was that your top?"

I frantically ran my fingers through my back. Damn it. A nail in the wall had cleanly ripped my top and exposed my bra. I nodded sheepishly.

"" Abhi removed his jacket "Wear this... achoo" He sneezed again. He started sniffing as if he caught a cold.

"Are you allergic to dust or something?" I ask.

"No...Achoo" Yeah he definitely is allergic.

"Here" I removed my scarf from around my neck "Cover your nose with this."

"I'm fine. I don't need it."

"Take. It" I gritted my teeth.

"You should wear my jacket and stop hugging the wall first." Abhi crossed his arms against his chest.

"Fine" I grabbed his jacket and wore it. Instant warmth seeped through my body. His scent of first rain and oranges still clung to it.

Abhi raised his eyebrows at me. It was then I realized what I was doing. I was sniffing the guys jacket. I let go of it as if I was electrocuted. Abhis laughter boomed through the walls.

His jacket was so big on me. But putting it on gave me a sense of security. You know, kind of like hiding under the blanket at night. Monsters can't get you if you are under the blanket. I walked towards the door and pulled at the handles again in vain. The door creaked but never opened. As if little me could open the doors which this muscular man behind me couldn't.

I turn around to see Abhi standing right behind me, his nose and mouth covered by my orange floral scarf. A smile broke out of me but immediately disappeared at the fire in his eyes. He took a step towards me and I backed against the door. His hands braced on the door on either side of waist. He took hold of the door handle and tried to pull it open with all his might. His eyes never leave mine.

The rattle of the door caused me to jerk forward towards his chest and I fell back to the door. He repeated this a few times giving a clear idea of what he would've done if this room was dust free and had a bed. My thighs clenched together at the thought.

The next time he pulled on the door I braced my hand against his chest stopping him.

"Don't" I plead.


"We need to get out of here, Abhi. Please "

"We are yet to talk about our almost kiss." He whispers. The scarf on his may have been comical a minute ago but now have caused the tension to accelerate 10 times.

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