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He's not here.

He's nowhere to be found.

Its been three days since the temple. Everyday I go to college just so I could see his face, maybe talk to him. But its like he vanished into thin air. The strikers are seen somewhere holding their red flags (literally) high and screaming the slogans. But not Abhi.

My mood is just like Abhi now. Non existent, im grumpier than a hungry pregnant women nowadays which clarified one big thing for me, Its not just a crush. I feel something towards Abhi, which unlike a crush wont go away if not seen for a few days. That theory has been tested and failed.

"Come on lighten up a little bit. Youre no fun to hang out these days. All this for a guy you met few days ago" Pooja pouted as I played with my straw in my lemonade.

The cafeteria is packed with students these days. With no classes to attend to this is basically our hangout. No classes doesn't mean that we dont have work to do. The teachers have been piling up our assignments because we have a few days off.

I dropped the straw aggressively and a few droplets of lemonade splashes onto Pooja's papers. She curses as she gathers it into a side and glares at me like I murdered her dog. I would never do that, I love her dog.

"I dont know! This is all so confusing. I dont understand how one guy can mess with my head like this."

"Let me ask you something." Pooja asks. "Do you love him?"

"I barely know the man. How am I supposed to love someone who I have spoken to barely twice?"

"Then why are so upset like this?"

"I dont know" My voice goes down. I know the reason very well but voicing it right now might not be the right thing to do.

Pooja sighs as she covers my hand with hers. Her eyes suddenly moves behind me and the very second contorts with anger.

"That guy is taking your pictures" she said through gritted teeth.

I suddenly whirl towards him. The said guy was the definition of a slug. He was wearing a dark shirt and a slimy smile was pasted on his face. Just as I turned around he clicked another picture of my face and blew a kiss at me. My blood boiled with disgust.

"Nice rack babes" The guy's eyes dropped to my chest where my scarf had moved. I quickly adjusted my scarf and turned around.

"Lets just go" I said to pooja. We quickly gathered our papers and began to exit through the front door. But just as quickly the guy stood up and walked towards the exit. He positioned himself in such a way that if I passed through their my body will slide over his.

I stopped in my tracks. "Son of a bitch!"

"What are we going to do now? That guy wont move from their until we leave" pooja asked.

"Is there a problem?" A male voice asked. Hope sparked inside me. I turned around and faced a tall guy who was not who I was expecting. It was Gautham the guy whom we met at the temple.

"Hii" I said. Gautham smiled at not me, his eyes were stuck on pooja. OH!

"Hey Bhoomi" Gautham faced me "Is he bothering you?"

"No.. its just..." I began when pooja cut in.

"He took pictures of her. Not in a good way" Pooja answered. I knew that she was terrified then, if not she would have definitely flirted with the hot guy in front of her.

"Did he now?" He said. "Don't worry, I will lead you to the Kitchen exit, you can leave through there." He said as he walked us towards the pantry. The cooks inside did pass looks at us, but none questioned why we were there. Some of them even waved at Gautham. That's when I realized he must be in the party with Abhi that's why he is popular.

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