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Im screwed, im screwed, Im totally screwed. I basically crawl to Abhi at the pace of a snail. While that sucker just sat down on a bench casually draping one leg over the other and watched us with a deadly smirk.

"Just you, the other one can stay" He said to Pooja who was about to accompany me.

Wow, heavenly screwed.

"Sit" He says when I reach him and point to an empty bench opposite him. The whole class had their eyes on us. Why wouldnt they be? The new girl has caught the attention of the very hot senior, nothing cliché about that. So much for keeping a low profile.

"So you have some thoughts about me?" He asks as he kneels his elbows on his knees. His voice dropped to a whisper You think I have wide shoulders?

"No, I-"

"You dont think I have wide shoulders?"

"I do, But its, its not like that"

"What is not like that?"

"It wasnt supposed to be said out loud. It was more of an inner thought" I whisper.

"You know thoughts have no purpose if not let out. You should always let your thoughts out."

I stare at him for a second. Is he counselling me? "Okay"

"So, lets get back to the Wide shoulders thing". He smiles mischievously.

"Can we just let it go and start over?" I pipe up. Blood rushing to my cheeks. You know when they say when a man knows he is hot and he acts like it. Thats what he was doing right now. He knows im affected by him and hes using it. Son of a bitch.

"Okay then" He lets his hand out "Abhimanyu Viswanathan"

"Bhoomika Ashok" I shake his hand. I smile at him and he smiles back. The world stops spinning for a second. The dimple, it is here. After watching me for a few seconds he drops his eyes, his smile widening even more.

"Let your hair down for a second" He says abruptly.


He doesnt reply as he himself removes my hand kerchief hair tie and unfumbles my hair. A gasp echoes across the classroom. I turn around to see every pair of eyes on us. Pooja has her hand on her mouth, her eyes as wide as flying saucers. Even the senior girl Kajal looked surprised. Isnt this how usually his ragging pattern goes?

"This is better" He whispers near my ears. I shiver when I turn to him. "Your hair, its better when its down"

I couldnt let a word out. I just sat there staring at his onyx eyes when the bell rang for the next period. Abhi smiled and began to exit the classroom. My silk yellow kerchief with strawberries printed on them clutched between his fingers. He turn back before he reached the door.

"Do you need this?" He asks.

"Yes!" I jump to my feet.

"Come find me, and youll get it" He winked and exited, leaving me paralysed. Kajal came over and looked at me, her eyes travelled from my head to toe when she smiled. That sly bastard And then she exited too.

"Does everyone here talk in riddles?" I turn and find Pooja stuck to her spot. The whole class staring at me. The boys look downright pissed, when the girls look star struck.

The day passed faster after that. Every class was nothing but a blur to me. Abhimanyu had found permanent residency in my head. In a single day. The last hour was cut short when the teachers were called into a staff meeting. Which means we could go home early. And considering how Pooja was itching to talk to me about Abhi, we decided that campus visit will have to wait another day.

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