Violetta Morozov

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-Character Information-
Aliases: Violet, Vi, Ginger girl, Russian girl, Lady Electric

Gender: female

Race: Caucasian

Hair: Redish orange

Age: 8-10

Birthday: May 30th

Occupation: student

Grade: 4th grade

Religion: Russian Orthodox Christianity

Mother: Nadia Morozov

Father: Igor Morozov

Brother: Viktor Morozov & Nikolai Morozov (twins)

Place of birth: Moscow Russia

Nationality: Russian

Languages spoken: Russian, English

Violetta has red hair pulled into two low pigtails tied together with white ribbons, she wears a light purple coat with white fur on the collar and at the ends of each sleeve with light blue tights and black Mary Jane flats. She also has a flower in her hair and redish pink mittens on her hands.

She is a kind hardworking student and tends to be friendly to anyone and everyone, even towards the goths. But when she stands up to her friends she gets very defensive towards them and always have their backs.

-Violetta was named after the bright colors she wears.

-Her full name is Violetta Natasha Morozov

-She is considered to be extremely girly and bubbly. She is said to be one of the smartest in the school but she says she just wants to get good grades and doesn't consider herself to be that smart.

-She has a thick Russian accent when she talks, when she was 2 her family moved to South Park from Moscow so her parents have thick accents and when Violetta gets older her accent will become thicker.

-She has redish orange hair and glass blue eyes

-She is also a bit naive at times.

-She is always seen in bright colors so it's not hard to spot her in a huge crowd

-In her room on her bed side, there is a small replica of a flag pole with the Russia flag.

-She's very good at pottery, most of the plates, bowls and vases in her home are made and painted by Violetta herself.

-Her mom's name is Nadia and her dad's name is Igor

-Violetta knows very good English but her parents don't know much.

-At home, she speaks Russian since it's easier for her parents to communicate.

-The scarf around her neck was knitted by her Бабушкa who she was named after.

-Her favorite animals are rabbits and turtles.

-She carries around a journal of English and Russian words so she can help others to understand her native tongue.

-Her dream job is to become a journalist since she loves to read and write.

-She's scared of spiders and snakes.

-She is friends with a goth girl name Georgia Clarkson but their friendship has to be a secret since Georgia doesn't want to be seen with her in public. But people already know they are best friends so they gave up on the secret.

-Her friends are Craig, Tweek, Clyde, Token, Jimmy, Sophie, Heidi, Pip, Stan, Kyle, Butters, Kenny and Scott. Her best friend is Craig. Sometimes, others would mistake her and Craig as a couple (that's how close they are)

-She is ambidextrous meaning she is able to use both her hands to write.

-she suffers from asthma.

-Due to her condition she is sometimes home or even in the hospital if it's serious.

-She has a sense of fashion, she likes the cottagecore style the most along with fairy grunge. She likes fur coats and light shades of lilac.

-She speaks a few languages. Her first language is Russian, she can also speak English, Yiddish, German and even taught herself how to read and write in Hebrew and Italian.

-Her parents describe her as a 'bright child' due to her kind personality and her bright smile.

-She has a pet bunny name Twitchy.

-Both Viktor and Nikolai have Russian accents too but not as strong since they weren't born in Russia like Violetta.

-Her SOT outfit consist of a flower crown with leaves and thorns and the flowers are seen to be violets. She also has a cape which is light purple with white fur.

-Georgia once told her that Pete had a crush on her but she doesn't believe her because, of course, Pete calls Violetta a conformist.

-Cartman calls her a 'communist' because she's from Russia. He also pretends that he doesn't know what she's saying when she talks even though she's talking clearly.

-She has a crush on a certain boy but no one knows who it is. But she knows he won't like her back.

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