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Creepypasta OC
Name: Annalise Rosalind Erika AverGreen

Alias: Rosegold, Rose, Heartless Rose, Annie, Ms AverGreen

Age: said to have died at 15

Status: active

Species: Ghost/Poltergeist

Languages Spoken: French and English

Height: 5'3

Occupation: serial killer

Type Of Pasta: Vengeful serial killer/ghost

Date of birth: May 22 1956

Date of death: February 14 1971(?)

"The prettier the rose, the sharper the thorn."
"Plus la rose est jolie, plus l'épine est tranchante."

Rosegold is a bloodthirsty ghost who haunts and kills her victims in her sight.

Born in a wealthy and sophisticated background, Annalise was once an ordinary girl who was cheery and was taught good manners. She had grown interest in the flowers in the garden of the house, she would wander freely through the colorful landscape admiring the beautiful flowers. Her favorite flower was roses, she loved the look of it and how it would blossom into different colors.  She lived with her father who was a wealthy businessman who raised her alone since her mother died right after she was born. She also dressed very elegantly. Everything fell apart though when she met Adrian, a troublemaking teen who she was forcefully engaged to because of her father's 'personal reasons'. Adrian would beat her senseless when he would be mad or if she saw him doing illegal activities. And he told her that if she tells anyone about what he's doing to her she will be severely punished. One day she couldn't take it anymore and had to tell someone. She went to her father but he didn't believe her. The next day when she was home alone Adrian broke into her house and knocking her out and kidnapped her. She was held captive in Adrian's house for a couple months either being his servant or his punching bag. And when she tried to escape she was chained to the wall in his room and he smashed a whiskey bottle over her head received more beatings. That night she had enough of his hurtful words and mistreatment. She never showed her bright smile as she did a few months prior. She wanted to smile, but how could she if she was trapped and beaten? So, she sewn a smile on her face, seeing the blood gave her this unfamiliar urge, as she did this she could feel her sanity slowly starting to slip away. When Adrian saw what she has done he chain her to the wall in the basement and demanded her to get rid of the stitches. She didn't want to and this is when Adrian finally had enough of her. He took out a syringe which was filled with a dangerous drug which made the host slowly wither away and slowly and painfully
die. He injected it into her system and after a few moments she was out cold again. He then left her body on the floor of the basement and went back into his room leaving her for dead. But she didn't end up dead, she ended up as a deadly visions being who hungered for blood and revenge. Her eyes which were once a royal blue color were now bi colored with her left eye was light blue almost white and her right eye was light green and her black pupils were clouded with light pink fuzz making her vision ten times sharper and the pigment in on her lips were now shaded with a poisonous red color. She escaped from the basement and murdered Adrian and fled the house back to her own house where her next victim was. But since the drug also affected her appearance her father didn't believe her when she told him everything that had happened. In a blind rage he ended up stabbing her in the heart multiple times killing her. After he snapped out of it he realized that he had killed someone... his own daughter. He didn't want the cops to find out because it would ruin his reputation so he buried her in the garden. However, her soul wasn't peacefully put to rest and came back as a ghost and killed her father and fled the estate never returning there again. For years, her soul was alone and suffering and took out he r anger by murdering people that reminded her of her past, arrogant and selfish people.

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