1. Fishy Business

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Tw//blood, animal corpses, bloody claws and teeth, mature language


The foggy air was prominent tonight, making it hard for the brothers to see, but at this point, they were used to it.

-..and then Melinda, - The black-jacketed one grunted, adjusting his grip on the box of stuff he was carrying - she said i' wasn't tha'! How can tha' li'le thing make t'is big thing!? Especially with tha' thing?? - He turmed around, pushing open the door with his back.

- Nah, I hear ya, ma'e. - The red-coated man pushed on their coversation, that made so much sense, putting his box of electronics and tools on the nearby table.

- I jus don ge'i', ya feel me, ma'e? -
He slurred his words, his strong brittish accent bouncing off the silent room's walls.

- 'Ey, Mi'o, ya seein' t'is? - Black Jacket turned to one of the windows, looking at lumps of a little bit of this and a bit of that.

- Oi - Milo turned around aswell, following his brother's gaze. - Uff, I ain' think thas good, Wallace - Milo voiced his opinion about the bloody fish that were passively coloring the sand scarlet.

"Well, no shit, genius!" Milo growled at the choice of his words. "Wha' made ya guess that? The dead, or the fish?" Wallace wondered aloud with a generous scoop of sarcasm, now placing his hand on the doorknob.

He cautiously opened the door, walking outside.

"What the shit happe-" Wallace, however, couldn't finnish his sentence, as an arm smacked him.

"Don't swear!" Milo scolded.

"What do you wan' me to say, 'en?"

He stared straight into his brother's eyes with a dead serious expression "Honkabonk." 

Wallace just blinked twice, looking at his brother, who just turned around, and without another word went to examine the corpse-collection.

Milo could swear he heard a "Honkabonk my ass", no louder than a whisper, but he decided to ignore it.

They could hear the barking of a dog in the close distance, shaking itself, ridding of water, probably. Assuming it somehow found a way into the tank, spooking the fish, Milo carried onward, his heart calming a bit.

He poked the first fish he saw with his shoe, which scared him half to death when it flopped alive. More blood began to gush out of it's injuries as the fish struggled, eventually going limp again.

The water screamed and splashed as the wind haulted, holding it's breath. The brothers whipped their heads around to see Willy coming up for air.

Milo sighed, "I thought we were finally gon' get some'ing intresting on our 'ands, man! Ya know, like a friggin shark! That would'ave been cool, yeah?"

"Hell yeah" Wallace  didn't sound too sure though, as he kept his eyes concentrated on the water.

"Wall? Ya good, mate?" Milo shook him slightly.

"Huh? Hm? Yeah, yeah, I'm all good! Just watching the dolphins. They're cool." He snapped out of his thoughs.

"A'ight, we should probably call 'em, tell' em their li'le fishies are dead, yeah?" He asked, making his way to the door, counting around 8 corpses of various fish, and 12 ridded of their first half.

"I call dibs on not calling 'em!" Wall lifted his hands in a defensive position as he collapsed onto a nearby chair and closed his eyes.

"Oyya, little-" He froze, the playful smirk on his face dropping, as a realization hit him.

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