╬ 009; Pictures ╬

Start from the beginning

"What is the meaning of this?" Ivanna demands.

"Okay, i know you don't like me-." Allison was saying, but Ivanna cut her off.

Ivanna then sighed out. "It's not that i don't like."

"You don't?" Allison frowned confused.

"It's just that i don't trust you." Ivanna states.

"You- don't trust me? I shouldn't be trusting you, you and your Werewolf buddies tried to kill my best friend." Allison scoffed.

"She is alive..." Ivanna reminds.

"You guys were going to kill her." Allison accused.

"But, she...is alive, what's the big deal?" Ivanna calmly states, giving her a blank stare.

Allison then placed her hands over her face, shaking her head, then deeply exhaling.

"Okay, look, what i wanted to show you, is this..." Allison trailed off, showing her, her phone.

Ivanna then looked at the phone and saw countless pictures of her, Ivanna's brown eyes then looked at Allison, staring at her in shock.

"Oh, no, no, i didn't do this, i'm not crazy or psychotic or anything." Allison then quickly defends, with widened eyes.

"Nah, that's just the rest of your family." Ivanna insults.

Allison rolled her eyes at the girl, which made give her a smile.

"Wait, who take out these?" Ivanna then asked.

"Matt." Allison says, glancing at Ivanna, hoping she'll believe her.

"Daehler? Matt Daehler?" Ivanna asked.


"I took it out on my phone, because you obviously wouldn't believe my word for it-." Allison was saying.

"I believe you." Ivanna then says.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Allison sighed out in relief.

"Wait...why do you?" Allison then frowned.

"As i said, i don't trust you, but, i've been listening to heart since you dragged me in here and you didn't once lie, and why would you lie about something like that." Ivanna states.

"Right, of course." Allison scoffed.

"Would you like to be friends, now?" Allison asked.

"Why do you want to be my friend?" Ivanna frowned at her.

Allison shrugged. "I just do."

"I mean, does everything have to have a reason?" Allison then sighed out.

Allison then sighed out, noticing the suspicious look she was getting.

Allison then scoffed. "Derek really trained you to be like him."

Ivanna then rolled her eyes. "I'm my own person, just because he bit me doesn't mean i'm like him."

"Then be my friend."

"That's blackmail." Ivanna gave her a look.


At the Martin's house, at night, Scott was with Stiles, talking with him, as they were at Lydia's party, until Stiles noticed Allison looking at them.

"You apologized to Allison?" Stiles asked.

Scott then scoffed. "Why should i? I did nothing wrong."

"Is that the Full Moon talking, buddy?" Stiles asked.

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