The room only had a bed, a desk with a computer and a chair. It would have looked rather ordinary, except for the fact that everything was made of metal and was huge compared to Ana.
Ironhide closed the large door then sat on the bed, or berth she guessed, and let her down.
"Why are we here?" she asked standing awkwardly on the berth, not sure what to do. "It's about time that we listened to Ratchet and rested." Ironhide stated as he slowly lay down on his side grunting, he was obviously was still sore.
In fact Ana's wounds were starting to ache as well, she looked down at her bandages relieved they were still neatly in place, but she guessed moving around this much wasn't helping them whatsoever.

She looked back at Ironhide lying on the berth, who was now eyeing her curiously. She shifted uncomfortably, still not sure what to do "Um... so I'm sleeping here," She asked uncertain. Ironhide gave her an amused look "Yes." he said slowly "Where else would you recharge?" She shrugged uncertainly before carefully laying down a few feet beside Ironhide. He chuckled before pulling Ana to his chest, cradling her there with his large hand.

The action surprised her, and she didn't know what to think at first, but soon Ana slowly began to relax, the hum of his spark calming her, and she snuggled against the warm metal around her, realizing how exhausted she was. She felt his chest rumble as he chuckled. "Comfortable?" He asked teasingly, she didn't respond, already drifting into sleep.

*Time skip 3am*
Ana woke to darkness. She glanced over at Ironhide, who was still in deep recharge, she sighed. Her dreams had been troubling and confusing; she desperately needed fresh air to clear her thoughts.

She carefully got up, not wanting to wake Ironhide, and climbed down from his berth, holding her casted arm to her chest. She made her way to the large door and felt around not sure if she would even be able to open it. To Ana's surprise she found a small, human sized, door next to the large one. She turned the nob slowly and pushed, and to her relief it popped open, apparently it hadn't been used often.
She turned to look back at Ironhide nervously. I'll only be gone a few minutes; I'll be back before he notices. She thought feeling guilty for leaving him without him knowing. Ana hoped he wouldn't be angry if he did wake up and she was still gone. She shuddered at the thought of an angry Ironhide.

She quickly shut the door behind her and made her way down the deserted hallways. Following some of the maps mounted on the walls she soon found herself outside of the base greeted by thousands of stars. She gasped, looking up. Back in New York the only time she had really ever seen the stars clearly was at night in central park, but even that wasn't a worthy comparison to how many she saw now.

She made her way to grassy field that was most likely used for training exercises, steering well clear of the guards stationed at the gate. Ana laid down in the grass looking up at the stars, thinking of her life before she was thrust into this alien war.

She didn't have a lot of friends at school, she had one but even they were more like acquaintances than close friends. She was a strait A student and liked by her teachers because she kept quiet and always did her homework. Ana remembered her parents constantly told her to get her head out of the clouds and make some friends, but she never felt comfortable around people, she never knew what to say, and always felt more at peace when she was reading.
Ana continued staring at the stars, tracing out some of the few constellations she knew, and thought of her parents.
Her mom was a math professor at a university, and she guessed it passed down to her because Ana herself was a major math geek; it was her favorite and best class in school. Her dad was a mechanic, he taught her a few things about fixing cars, but it never really stuck for her. She sighed sadly, she missed them so much. Ana remembered the vacations they would take; usually it was to a beach, her whole family loved the beach so much that they would travel around finding the best ones. Her family even flew down to Florida once .

She was pulled from her thoughts at the sound of Ironhid's voice. She quickly sat up turning to see, to her horror, Ironhide storming outside no doubt looking for her. "Ana?" He looked around frantically before his optics locked on her and he quickly started walking towards her. I'm so dead she thought as she shrunk back.
"What were you thinking!" He roared, scaring the crap out of the guards, to Ana's brief amusement, as they seemed to have fallen asleep.
He crossed his arms giving her a stern look, but she could also see relief in his optics. She looked down at the grass biting her lip as he continued
"Nearly gave me a spark-attack when you weren't there! Don't you ever do that again!"
"I-I'm sorry Ironhide." She said softly "I needed some fresh air, but I didn't want to wake you up." She said truly apologetic.

He vented before sitting down next to her. "Did you have another 'nightmare'? He asked softer, sounding a little unsure of himself.
"No" she said shaking her head "It's just...well, everything's been happening so fast, I needed time to think."
He nodded
"But next time, you tell me before disappearing like that. I practically searched the whole base trying to find you!" He said sternly, and she nodded.

Ironhide chuckled, all his anger now gone, "Humans, always have to keep a close eye on them." "Hey!" she exclaimed indignantly.
He smirked
"Well it's true; your race has the bothersome habit of disappearing at the most inconvenient times. Always getting yourselves into some sort of trouble along the way too." Ana huffed and elbowed his leg making him chuckle "Was that supposed to hurt?" he teased. Ana ignored him and lay back down in the grass, looking back at the stars; Ironhide remained sitting but looked up also.

They were there for a while, Ana deep in thought, but even though Ana tried to think of other things, her thoughts kept returning to their trip to go to her city. Could my parents still be alive?

A Lost Spark         (Transformer fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now