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I opened my eyes to bright light seeping through the windows. It took me few minutes to realize where I am.

"You are awake, finally!" A voice came from my left. I sat up and looked at the old lady who was sitting by the stove.

"You were quite exhausted, you slept for too long" she smiled and stood with two bowls. She placed it on the table and turned towards me.

"Come on tou need to eat something" she said. I nodded and stood up from the bed going towards bathroom to wash my face.

When I came back she was waiting for me, she hasn't start eating. So I sat on the chair and thanked her for the food. It was a porridge and looked good.

"How long was I out for?" I asked as I took the first bite.

"Two days" she said and I chocked on my food. I start coughing as she patted on my back while giving me glass of water.

"Easy, my child!" She said.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked her as I composed myself.

"You were too tired and I wanted you to rest." She said.

"Thank you Matilda" I thanked her, she has been kind to me since I came, I don't know if I can repay her for her kindness.

"Don't say that please." She said and motioned me to finish my food. After eating she took my bowl and washed it. Then she took the pile of unwashed cloths and went outside. I followed her our and saw her sitting near the well. I looked around the place, there was a small barn on the side.

I sat on the stairs that lead to the cottage and watch her washing the clothes. I walked towards her when she was done.

"Can I help?" I asked her. She smiled at me and gave me the bucket of washed clothes. She told me to hang the clothes on the rope which was tied by the well. I do as she said, when I was done she looked at me with a small smile.

"You have never done that before?" She asked me and I shook my head embarassed. She chuckled lightly and hanged the clothes properly while teaching me how to do it right.

Then she showed me how to cook and clean. She was a very hardworking women and an energetic one at that. I asked her if she needs any help but she refused. I felt bad for just sitting around and not doing anything.

She told me she makes pots and sold them in the market. That's her only way of earning. I decided to help her in her chores as much as I can. I am going to live here for a long time so it's better to make myself useful.


It's been a month since I am here and I have already gave up. Back at Palace I thought I can do anything, that I am a strong women but now look at me I can't even do a simple house chore.

If Matilda would tell me too cook I would burn the food, If she would ask me to wash the clothes the stains wouldn't go. If doing dishes they would be throughly cleaned. I even helped her in making pots once which was a complete and utterly disaster.

Despite everything Matilda was kind to me, she wouldn't get angry on me or scold me. Instead she would smile and help me do the thing right. These days I haven't spent a day balling my eyes out. I don't know what's happening to me. Maybe it's stupid hormones or I don't know, maybe everything is catching up on me.

A little part of me is disappointed that no one is looking for me. If they had then would have heard. There aren't any rumors which is surprising. Which also means they haven't told anyone about my disappearance. Maybe they are relieved that I am gone for good.

"Nora.. my child. Why are you crying?" Matilda cooed when she came inside. She was put in the market to sell her pots. I immediately wiped my tears.

"I am not crying!" I tried to lie. She sat beside me on the floor where I sleep as there is obly one bed and I don't want to be selfish by taking that so I opt to sleeping on the floor which gives me back pain every day.

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