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It's been four days of me staying here with Lilith and I haven't left her side except at night when she has to sleep. We talk a lot and eat a lot, I am sure mother would be angry when she will see me again putting on some weight but do I care? NO!

Today Lilith wasn't feeling well so I decided to leave her alone and let her rest. I planned to go out and explore this city but Ares has left a few guards who stay by me all the time. I haven't seen him since we came, if Agatha hadn't mentioned him in the daily bickering I would have thought he is gone back.

"Are you sure princess, won't it be dangerous out there alone?" Asked Molly.

"No, don't worry about that!" I told her as I made my way to a secret door that after a lot of insistence, I got to know from Lilith. She was sceptical about me going out alone but then she also knows how stubborn I am, so she unwillingly told me.

"Agatha will kill us!" Said Rory with panic, and I glared at her.

"You shouldn't be scared of her!" I said and she gulped as she nodded.

"I will handle her, I knew she will go tell Ares if she knew of our plans." I scoffed, Agatha likes Ares too much even though I feel she is more loyal to him than me.

As I opened the door I came face to face with the green forest. I smiled as I looked ahead and breathed in the fresh air.

"Let's go," I said as I turn towards them, they both looked scared and weary of the surroundings. I lent a dress from Molly so nobody could recognize me in a peasant dress.

We start walking ahead following the directions as told by Lilith. Both Molly and Rory were behind me clutching each other's hands.

"Loosen up girls!" I huffed lightly. I shouldn't have brought them but then again they weren't leaving me alone.

We walk ahead through the thick forest and we came up in front of a waterfall. It looked so beautiful and serene. I sat at the edge and dip my hand in the water. I splash the cool water on my face, then I drank some water.

"What if it's poisonous, princess?" Asked Rory. I looked back at her with a small grin and shrugged.

"Then I will die," I said nonchalantly and both girls gasped.

"Princess we should head back, so we can take you to the physician and they will give you some antidote..." both girls looked ashen and I started laughing.

"Oh God, you two are so naive!" I said in between my giggles.

"Ain't you enjoying out here, beauties!" Came a gruff voice from behind and all three of us looked back to see three men standing a few distances away from us looking at us as if we are a piece of meat.

I immediately stood and came in front of the girls who were shivering by now. I snaked my hands around the hilt of the sword tied to my waist under my cloak that I thankfully brought with me for safety.

"Princess!" Came a small voice from Rory.

"You two .. Run!" I ordered them as I saw one of the men taking a step towards me eyeing me from top to bottom. They all were middle-aged ugly men, who I am sure stunk badly.

"We can't leave you here, run with us," said Molly and I threw her a glare over my shoulder.

"They will catch up to us, go and get help," she think for a second but still looked sceptical and then I glared hard at her.

"Run, it's an order from your princess" I ordered and that did the deed as both of them scrambled away.

I looked ahead and saw two men at the back trying to run in their direction so I pulled out my sword.

"Stop!" I hissed at them and they all look at me and start laughing when they saw a sword in my hands, belittling me.

"We are scared,lass," said the man at right and all of them start laughing at my expense.

"Oh, you should be!" I smirked as with one move I was in front of a man that was moving towards me, I Slashed his arm in one move and kicked him hard in his abdomen as he doubled over with a shriek holding his wounded arm with his other hand.

I looked up at the other two who now looked shocked and were drawing out their swords as they came at me. I broke his hit as the left one came at me first, the right was helping his other friend who was now craning his arm like a baby.

By the way, he was holding a sword I can tell he isn't good with swords and the rough attempt of him trying to hurt were futile. With one hard hit, I slashed his stomach and his sword fell first following him. He was crying by now trying to stop the blood. I was too busy watching him that I didn't realize the third man was behind me and was about to hit me.

"If I were you I won't do that!" Came a deep voice and when I looked back I saw the man's eyes widen as his sword was aiming at me but then I look down and saw a sword coming out of his right side.

I took a step back and watch him fell to the ground. I came face to face with Ares who looked menacing. He was glaring at me, If looks could kill I would be six feet deep by now.

"Why are you so stubborn?" He gritted out as he held my arm and yanked me towards him.

"I am not answerable to you!" I hissed back.

"You were about to d.. die!" He hissed.

"I was doing fine on my own!" I said as I pointed towards the first and second men who was now wailing in pain.

"We are leaving!" He said as he pulled me with him. I tried to snatch my hand back but he wasn't having it.

"We can't leave!" I said and he turn towards me with a frown.

"What do you mean by that?" He gritted.

"I can't leave without Molly and Rory, they are out there" I narrowed my eyes at him, and his features soften a little.

"They are safe," he told me to which I breathed in relief.

He took my sword from my hand which was drenched in blood. He gave it to a guard who was around us this whole time. He hand over his bloodied sword too, then he took my hand in his and pull me along him.

"I can walk on my own!" I told him.

"I know" he said but didn't left my hand as he kept walking.

"ARES" I hissed at him as I tried to remove my hand from his but he didn't budge.

"It's your punishment for coming here without informing me!" He shrugged.

"You! Who do you think you are? You think I would need your permission to go wherever I want to go?" I gritted out, but he didn't answer a she looked ahead.

"I am your guardian" he said nonchalantly and I so wanted to slap that smirk off of his face which he was trying so hard to hide from me.

"No you are just a servant, a mere lowlife!" I hissed and that made him tense as he paused for a moment in his tracks. He loosen his grip on me and stepped away.

"Thank you for reminding me that I am lower than you" he said and then he walked ahead. I opened my mouth to apologize but no words came out of my mouth.

What's wrong with me? Why does I always try to hurt him by my words? He has never done anything bad to me yet I still hurt him each time.

He opened the door from where I came and looked at me.

"Your highness!" He said firmly, I looked down and walked inside. Then I heard him following me as we walked all the way to my room in silence. Only when I was inside did he left.

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