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Barely 10 minutes passed when someone came knocking on my door. I jumped up from my place on the floor and wiped away my tears. I walked towards the mirror to see if I have any remains of my tears. When I was assured that I looked alright did I open the door with my usual scowl?

"What?" I gritted out at Agatha who looked at me with concern.

"Are you alright, princess?" She asked me to which I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Don't I look alright to you?" I said as I turn and walked inside my room with ease. No one can know that I cried!

"I thought... you just ran from there..." she started but stopped when I throw a hard glare her way.

"It's none of your concern, I wanted to get rid of these sweaty and dirty clothes. Prepare a bath for me!" I ordered and she nodded, she left but not before throwing an unsure glance at me. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow, only then she ran away.

I looked back in the mirror when I was alone, my hairs were in a loose knot. I removed the ribbon that Ares tucked my hair in and they fell down my back in their natural curls. I looked down at my dress which was ruined. I worked on removing the dress, there were a few drops of blood in one place and I felt my heart beat sped up.

But then I heard a few servants coming into the room, a few of them went inside the bathroom and Rory came towards me working on the strings of my corset to get me rid of it. I hid my emotions as I spoke up.

"Burn this dress!" Roy's hand froze once but then she spoke.

"Yes, princess!" She said and then I walked inside the bathroom where I took a long bath.


When I sat at the breakfast table, I felt the presence of Ares. I greeted the King and Queen before taking my seat. A servant set my plate for me as I was about to start eating someone came in.

"Here you are, my Warrior!" Greeted King with great mirth. My hands froze in the air and I put the spoon back on the plate as I sensed him taking his seat beside mine.

"How does your training go?" He asked but when I looked up, the question wasn't for me. It was for Ares!

"Princess did good, she is not bad!" He said and I glared at him not knowing whether he is complementing or criticizing. He smirked lightly then he looked back at King with a straight face.

"That's great!" King smiled at me, I returned the smile and then went back to eating. I could sense my mother's glare on me, and with a heavy heart, I looked up to see her eyeing my plate. It was filled with some fruits but it was an indication for me to stop eating so I won't get fat. With a sigh, I placed the spoon back and stood.

"I will take my leave now, I have my dance classes now!" I said and King nodded as Queen looked pleased. When I turned around I saw Ares looking at my barely touched plate, he had a small frown but I didn't think more of it as I left the hall.

When I reached the ballroom where my dance teacher Clara, Ares's mother waiting for me. When she saw me coming her face contort in a gentle smile. Whenever she looks at me there is this look on her face as if I am very dear to her.

There is this longing in her eyes. I had been told that the night I was born she also gave birth to a girl but that girl died hence the way she looks at me. But I like her, there is something in her so warm and full of love that always makes me wish that she was my mother instead of the Queen.

"Princess!" She curtsied and I smiled at her as I curtsied back.

"Shall we start?" She asked and I nodded with a sigh. I hate no I despise dancing, but what can I say? There are only a few things in this world that I don't despise.

"We shall!" I said and then it took two hours of me twisting and turning or rolling or whatever it is called.

"I think it's enough for today!" I let out as I slumped on a chair.

"Princess your 21st birthday is coming and King is going to throw a ball so you should be ready!" She told me something that I already know and dreaded.

"You don't have to remind me that!" I huffed and she smiled gently as she sat on the chair beside mine. She held my hands in her old frail yet soft ones.

"You are going to find your prince there, your future King!" She told me and I wanted to roll my eyes at how she made it seem so dreamy.

"I hardly believe that I would find someone who would swoon me over my feet, I believe there is no such thing as true love!" I told her my thoughts, with her it's easy to open my heart. It comes naturally to me to tell her whatever I feel, I could never share these things with anyone except Lilith, my cousin, my elder sister and my best friend.

"Believe me you will find your one true love, I have this feeling and it would be soon!" She was so certain that I can't help but smile at her.

"Do you think there is someone who would be able to keep up with my temper and tantrums. I pity the poor guy already!" I grinned at that she giggled.

"Leonora sweetheart, you will be amazed!" She said and I wanted to believe her, I know one day I have to get married and that day has to be soon. I am going to be the next in line to throne and I would need a king by my side to rule.

But love, I don't think I will ever have that luxury. I believe that I can't fall in love, there are only few things or people whom I can bare so it's hard to believe that there could be someone for whom I would feel things beyond words, for whom I would be ready to die. I don't think so!

"Alright then, I have to leave!" I said as I bid my goodbye and walked back to my room. I took a much needed nap, the exhaustion catching up to me.

It was by evening when I was walking in the gardens that I felt someone's intense gaze on me but when I looked around I couldn't find anyone. I decided to visit the market next day as I haven't gone out for few weeks now. I told Agatha of my plans but she told me that I have to wake up early again for my training as ordered by Ares.

"Isn't he injured?" I gritted out but from inside I was dying to know If I didn't hurt him that bad.

"No it was only a small wound he is alright, he is much stronger than anyone!" She said with those dreamy eyes which annoyed me to the core.

"I have seen more stronger warriors then him!" I said but Agatha still has that look.

"Perhaps but for me he is the strongest!" She sighed dreamily.

"What's wrong with you?" I said narrowing my eyes at her, she immediately looked down.

"Nothing princess, it's  just..." she started.

"You know what I don't want to know, I am going to my room. I want my dinner in my room.!" With that I left. Why it bothers me when she talks about him like that? As if she is in love... No I don't think she feels like that. Maybe she just admires him but what if it really is love? Would he return those feelings back? She is beautiful too. What if he ....!

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