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In the morning, I was awoke early by Rory. She is merely sixteen years old, so I didn't glare at her the way I do with Agatha every time she ruined my sleep. Absence of Agatha means she hasn't found my anklet which means I have lost it for good.

After taking my time in getting ready I came towards the training ground but this time I wore pants and a linen shirt. He was already there talking to a guard. When I neared them the guard beside him bowed his head and greeted me.

"Your highness!" He greeted with a wide grin, I have seen him with Ares many times before, perhaps they are friends and he is also Ares's second in command. I nodded a little still holding my chin up.

"Shall we start?" I asked as I glared at Ares whose eyes were everywhere but me. He must be upset for the things I said yesterday, but it doesn't matter to me. He can sulk all he wants!

He took a step towards me after sharing a glance with his friends, Thomas I assume. He scurried away immediately after that leaving only him and me, Rory and molly were few steps away.

"Let's start!" He husked lightly and I nodded sharply as we stood on our marks. I was the first one who threw hit, but as always he dodged.

He is more skillful than me, today we weren't using swords. He said I should also know how to fight without sword. He looked a little more serious than usual, he would even smirk or tease me. He was quiet, only spoke when he would want to correct my posture or tell me about my wrong move.

After an hour I was exhausted and tell him to stop.

"I need a break!" I told him but he wasn't having it.

"No, you already skipped yesterday. We can't waste more time, I don't have whole day!" He gritted at which I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Do you think I have whole day?" I hissed back.

"I am taking a break!" I said with finality. I was sweating lightly after an hour of sparring. I sat on the chair as Rory hands me a glass of water.

Then I saw Agatha came over to me but she wasn't meeting my eyes. When she finally looked up at me, I raised a brow to ask her and she shakes her head. She didn't find it!

I sighed and hands back the empty glass to Rory.

"Go away from my sight!" I said angrily and Agatha went away not before stealing a glance at Ares who was setting the cross bow.

I walked towards him, when he saw me coming he handed me the crossbow and some arrows as he told me to hit a target few miles away. I smirked knowing I would do it without blinking. And I did, my arrows hit the bullseye and I gave him a look of arrogance. He only nodded in return not looking impressed.

Then he took the target with three arrows and my mouth fell open when all three of them hits the bullseye. This time he looked at me but I was expecting a smirk from him instead his face stayed blank as if ur wasn't that impressive. I heard servants gushing as they talk about him. I throw them a glare and the quieten.

"Not that impressive!" I said.

"Neither am I trying to impress you, princess!" He said lowly as he handed over the cross bow to a guard.

"We are done for the day!" He dismissed and I can't help but want to throw a punch on his face. How can he dismiss me like that.

"Don't forget your place!" I hissed.

"Belive I would never!" He said while looking straight into my eyes and I felt as if his words have other meaning.

"Princess... princess Leonora!" I turn around to see Agatha running towards me with a wide grin on her face. And then I noticed something in her hand.

"A missive has arrived for you, your Highness!" She told me with so much excitement.

"Is it ... is it from.." I couldn't complete when she spoke up.

"Yes it's from princess Lilith... the Duchess of Cheshire!" She exclaimed and corect her self as she call Lilith with her old title. She is now married to the Duke of Cheshire, William. A wide smile genuine smile grazed my face at the news and I snatched the letter out of her hands a I didn't even waste a second to open it.

I start reading the letter and smiled the whole time. I felt this genuine happiness after a long time. Lilith is someone very dear to me, my best friend and my older sister. Her parents died when she was young so she came to live with us and we grew close with time. I was heart broken when she has to leave after marriage. I tried hard to scare away her all suitors and I was successful until William came.

He was quite adamant and didn't ran away, instead he asked for Lilith's hand I marriage even after I threatened him. He said he is in love with Lilith and to my unfortune Lilith also liked him back so for only her happiness I let their marriage happen and now she lives away and I haven't seen her since last year.

I was told not to bother the newly married couple by not other than my dear mother. She said I should accept that Lilith is now a wife to a Duke and she has now duties as wife and Duchess.

The letter said she is very happy in her life but she is missing me alot, for some reasons she couldn't travel and want me to come meet her.

"Pack my things we are leaving for Cheshire!" I ordered still smiling and only then I realized certain someone's eyes on me. I looked his way but he glanced away and start walking towards the castle.

"But you have to ask King or Queen..." Agatha started.

"Yes I will as the king!" I said not even thinking of talking to my mother who will straight away said no.

"You go pack my things!" I said and walked inside towards King's chamber to tell him of my plans while hoping the Queen isn't there.


"No!" My angry voice boomed in my father's study and all eyes fell on me. Queen have me a look of disapproval and king only sighed.

"It's this or you are not going anywhere!" Said king with finality and I stomped my foot on the ground angrily.

"So childish!" Muttered the Queen with a scoff.

"We have so many guard then why does it has to be him to accompany me. I can't bear him!" I hissed as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"My decision is final and the choice is yours!" King said and with one angry glare I walked out of the room towards mine but on my way I saw him walking towards the study. I glared hard at him when our eyes met but he didn't react and walked inside.

"So princess... uh what have you decided?" Asked Agatha.

"There is no way I am not going, it's Lilith. If I have to bear Ares for her I would!" I told her and she nodded.

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