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I kept walking only stopped in the city where I bought a horse and few supplies that I would need. After that I didn't stopped, I kept moving to unknown destination. I just want to put distance between me and the Palace. I can't see disdain for me in my father's eyes when he would know that I am not his child. Now I know why my mother didn't liked me, I was never hers and she knew it.

My horse was tired so I stopped near a river to rest. I sat under a tree looking at my hag of supplies, all the food had finished and I don't know when I will find civilization. Its only trees around me, may be it's how I would die. I stood and filled my waterskin with the water from the river.

Then after resting for an hour or two I again sat on my horse and resumed my journey. I kept going in the random direction not knowing where to go. It's been a week away from home yet I haven't a found a place to stay. I think I am quite far away from Palace and no one could find me now. Not that they would looking for me, only Ares would want me but other than him, no one!

I sipped the last drop of water from my water skin. I haven't ate anything since two days and now my water has gone too. If it goes like this I am going to die. I haven't found civilization yet but may be if I could just go a little ahead then I would find a village or a city.

My horse was also exhausted and was slowing down. The sun was so hot and I was drenched in sweat. I laid down my head on the horse as I couldn't hold my own weight probably taking my last breaths. The horse kept walking in a slow pace as I went in and out of consciousness.

"Oh God... Are you alright?" I heard a woman's voice but it felt like I am dreaming. There is no one around me.

"You need help, oh poor thing" she said as she palmed my hairs gently. Then I felt her pulling me off of the horse. With her help I walked with my eyes still close, I was leaning on her. With great difficulty she pushed me down on a soft mattress and I immediately hummed in relief.

Then I felt a cool touch on my lips and I gulped the content when I realize what it was. It was water! I have never thought before what a blessing water is.

"You have to eat something!" She said and I opened my eyes looking around a small cottage. I was on a small bad in the corner of the big room. On one end was a kitchen area where an old lady was cooking something. It smelled heavenly, so finally I have been saved.

"Here!" After some time she came and helped me sit down as she fed me the warm stew. I have never tasted something like that or maybe it's because of not eating for days. As she was feeding me I closely looked at her now somewhat getting better.

She was old with grey hairs tightly wrapped in a bun. Her face wrinkled yet her blue eyes were sparkling. He brown wrinkled hand raised towards my mouth as she was feeding me.

"Thank you.. thank you for helping me" I said, my voice husky because of not speaking for days.

"My child.. are you lost?" She asked me. I nod my head.

"Do you know where you live?" She asked me. I shake my head.

"Any family member, mother, father or husband?" She asked as she looked at my wedding ring. I immediately hide it and shook my head again.

"I have no one" I said while looking down at my lap.

"Oh" she said.

"Alright, then stand up. You have to clean up, your clothes are sweaty and dirty. Come on!" She helped me up and I nodded at her. She showed me the bathroom at the corner of the room. It was a small space.

There was a bucket of cold water, I have never even bathed myself my whole life. I sighed as I removed my sweaty and battered clothes. I clean myself up as good as I can with the soap she left for me, my hairs were tangled and filled with dirt. It took me a long time to finally get rid of all the dirt.

I wore my dress which the lady found in my bag. As I walked out she was sitting on a chair. She motioned me to sit on other chair opposite hers.

"Who are you?" She asked me as she eyed me.

"I... I don't know who I am anymore" I said with heavy heart.

"Have you left your house?" She asked me.

"Yes" I told her, she sighed.

"Are you of noble blood? Your dress is expensive which means you are not a commoner!" She said.

"I am a commoner, I am not of noble blood!" I sighed. She took my hand in hers.

"Do you have any place to live?"She asked me.

"No" I said meekly too embarassed.

"Then you can stay here as long as you want. It's only me here" she smiled at me.

"Thank you..." I don't know her name.

"Matilda" she told me her name and your name.

"Le... Nora.. my name is Nora" I said, she looked deeply at me and then smiled.

"Alright Nora, have some sleep. I will go and see your horse" she said and then left. I stood and looked around the small cottage which only had one single bed on a corner. I went towards the bed and laid down on it telling myself not to cry.

This is too much for me...!

Melancholy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora