Chapter sixteen//...

Start from the beginning

If you do why won't you let your jealousy slide and stay with me...

"I'll call you" she said saying the opposite words that her mind says.

"Lets watch some movies?" He asks she nods and carry her on the cinema room they are welcomed by Yeonjun at the door looking at her boyfriend with that look

Soobin put her down and look at her eyes "go, wait for me in the cinema room, I'll just get us something to eat" he said Arin just nods and left the two of Choi siblings alone. "What do you need" he asks Yeonjun

"I think Beomgyu will not support you in your crazy idea, Kai is already at Minji's side and yeah... Beomgyu loves Kai what do you want to do?" Yeonjun asks he look at him as he shrugged his shoulders

"Nothing?, Beomgyu is our baby brother we can't hurt him even if he betray us, plus Minji is my main target not anyone else" he said as he pass by the man who just nods as he look at him with “okay” look on his eyes

"Well if you say so, looks like your fiancé is also one of a kind huh... Her face is so adorable she look wonderful i guess our cousin discover her first... " Yeonjun said he chuckle

"Who cares?, she can take her if she wants, at least not until i make Minji cry in agony, suffer in so much pain that i will cause and you know what... I can use Pham Hanni to end all of her delusions in love, after her very own girlfriend break her heart" He said with a smirk then Yeonjun laugh too

"Well whatever you say... " he said and tapped his shoulders "ill  update you about the flight... Go your girl is waiting for you" he added Soobin nooded and walk at the kitchen to get some snacks and some soda as he walk at the Cinema room, seeing Arin cover with the pile of blankets and looking adorable on his eyes.

"Let's start love?" He asks the woman nods and they start the movie

He have to get relax to unwind with his girl, before he stress himself out as he go back at the place where he will leave everything wreck and ruined.

Meanwhile Minji take her girlfriend at the bar where her friends and her will meet, she will make them meet the girl who captivates her heart, her attention, the woman, she wants to grow old with, the only one she loves the most.

"Baby im mot sure if i will look good... " Hanni said as they stepped at the door "i wish i could change myself" Hanni added

Minji chuckle and wrap her arm on her waist and pull her closer "why will you change yourself if me your girlfriend didn't ask for you to change... This is exactly how i fall in love with you, this is you im in love with you this way, and in no matter how you look i would've still fallen in love with you because you're beautiful, in this way... In all ways... And in my eyes... " she inched her face and kiss her lips

"You're the number one"

Pham Hanni, melt in her words well who wouldn't right? The woman you love just gave you all the reassurance you wanna hear and never get tired of telling you how much she's very much in love with you. Well you will really melt like an ice, like an ice cream.

"Thank you baby" she said as she smile so sweetly to Minji and kiss its lips

"Okayyyy we know, we get it... But please come inside the whole squad is waiting for you" the girl with a cool face and handsome face, said as she roll her eyes and offering her a hand shake "Shin Ryujin, at your service Ms.Pham" Ryujin said obviously flirting at her as she take her hand and kiss the back of it

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