PT 9.

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I lay in Oak'a bed, Cardan laying next to me silently dozing off to sleep, he looks so peaceful. I stroke his cheek a little before I move his arm from my waist and slowly creep away. I grab a random shirt and some spanx and I open the door quietly. I look and see Vivi and Heather cuddling on the couch, I walk into the kitchen to grab a snack.

"Hey Jude." Vivi calls out, I stop in my tracks.

"Hey Vivi, when'd you guys get home?" I ask.

"Oh when you two were going at it, 'oh Cardan yes there!'." Vivi says mocking me. My face flushes red.

"Shut up Vivi." I mumble while opening the fridge and grabbing the jar of pickles.

"It's fine me and Heather left right away." Vivi says, "we went and had a mini date while you and Cardan were going at it." She says again, I walk into the living room seeing Heather asleep with her head on Vivi's lap.

"Sorry, I'll wash the sheets, and bleach the whole room." I say, Vivi holds out her hand and I place the jar of pickles in her hand as she opens the jar for me. "Thanks." I mumble while grabbing a pickle and eating it.

"Y'know I'm surpised that you guys don't just have a kid of your own, it would be way easier than having Oak be king." Vivi says.

"That's what Cardan keeps telling me." I say while taking another bite of  the pickle.

"I think you two would make great parents." Vivi says, I look at her.

"I'm afraid of the childhood I would give my child." I say, "I'm afraid the kid would grow up like how Cardan did, or how I did. Learning that the only way to life is either murder or being cruel." Vivi puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Jude, you would be the best mom in the world, and Cardan would be a great dad. But don't feel pressured onto having to feel like you have to have a kid, it's your own choice, me and Cardan can't make that choice for you." Vivi says while taking a pickle from the jar.

"Thanks Vivi." I say.

"Also don't forget to wash the sheets and bleach the whole room." Vivi says. I roll my eyes and walk back to Oak's room, opening the door to see a sleeping Cardan. I smile a little as I slip into the room.
I get back into bed wrapping my arms around his torsoe, his arms wrap back aroubd my waist, squeezing me a little.

"I love you my darling." He whispers, I smile a bit.

"I love you too." I mutter before drifting off to sleep.

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