Chapter Ninety-Five: Prelude to a Showdown

Start from the beginning

"Guys there's no point in taking our worry out on each other," Parker quickly said into the ensuing silence, anxious to restore a modicum of civility before words were exchanged in heated conditions which could not be easily overlooked down the line.
"Doc is right," Antonio nodded in affirmation as he looked at his fellow Chicago natives, "besides Jay wouldn't want us at each others' throats."
"You're right," Adam had the decency to blush acknowledging the truth in the Italian-Americans' words, he knew full well Jay would not be happy to be the cause of any trouble within the Unit.
"So just how likely is it that King will walk in with Halstead?" Marks enquired now the internal bickering seemed to have been sidelined even if it was rooted in a genuine cause.
"Doubt it's going to be that straight forward," Kevin commented even as he pictured such a scenario in his mind, Jay as ever being humble and acting as if the capture of their quarry was a simple affair.
"Hell Jay could do it if anyone could," Mouse proudly declared, his admiration for his former LT would never wane and besides he was privy to many things which the man had managed to accomplish when anyone else would have failed.

Parker shared a relieved look with Murphy. For now order was restored but he knew as the day wore on the worry would be compounded by the lack of intel on the young Detectives' welfare. He sincerely hoped whatever went down in Capilano had a short timeframe. He wasn't sure how long the men from Chicago, including Voight for all his bluster, would stay away from the action. It went against the very ethos of what they were all about and that could eventually lead to drama which Jay did not want or need.


Capilano Suspension Bridge Park

As the men in the conference room were trying to control their urge to become proactive Jay found himself in the opposite situation. He knew he had to take things slowly with his adversary yet had a delicate balance to maintain as he sought to convince the other man of his lack of concern while also allowing him the illusion of some control. Again Parkers' advice reverberated in his mind as he recalled the New Yorkers' grim warning that overplaying his part could inevitably anger King to the point of deadly action. He had to reign in his eagerness to end this and make gradual progress in convincing the man there was nothing left for him to do. That very task however was going to be fraught with danger as Jay was still very much in the dark as to why he had become the focus of attention. Knowing a direct attempt to ascertain said reason would no doubt be rebuffed he decided he would try to get the man to open up about what started the killing spree. Eyeing the Tourists strolling around the Detective turned to his companion with a casual smile.

"You have a problem with heights?'
"No," King frowned at the unexpected query.
"Good," Jay headed off seemingly unconcerned whether or not the other man would follow.
"What are you doing?" King demanded as he jogged a few feet to catch up with the auburn haired man who kept up his steady pace.
"Thought you knew all about me."
"Where are we going?"
"Patience," Jay replied simply even as internally he was filled with relief, unknowingly his companion had just given him control, maybe this might work after all.

Rounding a stand of aged trees Jay overtook several people who had stopped to take photos of their majestic surroundings. He kept up his brisk pace however apparently not paying any attention to his nemesis. Finally he came to an abrupt stop at a cable car junction where a small line had formed. Slotting in behind the people he turned to eye the obviously confused man.

"There are suspension footbridges here that span across streams and the forest below. Never thought I'd get a chance to visit here so I'm taking this opportunity to knock something off my Bucket List."
"You could do that another time."
"I'm here now."
"I think it would be better to continue our ...... discussion .... somewhere else," King stated with a hint of displeasure finally creeping into his tone.
"You can get on the cable car with me or don't," Jay stated nonplussed as the line of people finally began moving toward the ticket booth, who knew he was such a good Actor?
"This is ridiculous!" King struggled to keep his voice low, clearly unwilling to draw attention to himself.
"Am I getting one or two?" Jay casually checked as he withdrew his wallet and read the notice board displaying the various fares while the man ahead of him paid for his ticket.

The ride up the mountain was silent between the duo but the Tourists on board more than made up for their quietness as people exclaimed at the height they were at and marvelled at the panoramic views accorded by the steel cable car. Jay had automatically chosen a corner and King stood beside him obviously uneasy about the turn of events. Jay had tried to assess the man without appearing to do so and could find no hint that he had a weapon on him but the Detective would take no chances, despite appearances. They knew if he turned up at Capilano he would have little time to prepare so hoped any weapon he might have was in the form of a firearm rather than something potentially more lethal. His sweatshirt and light jacket told Jay he probably was not wearing explosives. That was a risk Al had initially posed when Jay intimated the public setting as a rendezvous point but again the lack of preparation time was what Jay had used to sway opinion in favour of the admittedly unorthodox approach. King did not have enough time to amass anything elaborate between the time Jay exited the Bureau building and his arrival at Detectives' chosen bench at Capilano. That was the first step in unettling the man. Now Jay had to forge ahead and hope the encounter brought an end to the twisted games of the Killer. This time the Chicago Detective was in control of the game and he was determined to rule the board. Failure to achieve that goal was not acceptable and, unbeknownst to his friends and colleagues, he was more than willing to forfeit his life to win this particular game.


LT - Lieutenant

Authors' Note

For the sake of the story I intimated that one could walk a short distance from downtown Vancouver to Capilano Suspension Bridge Park but in actual fact it's a fifteen minute drive and a somewhat longer walk! Call it Writers' prerogative!

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