Chapter 11 (Last chapter)

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I finally got back to the suite where Matteo was waiting for me on the bed. He stood up to come hug me as soon as I came it. "What the hell happened to you?". My hair was messy, I was covered in mud, and I did look particularly tired.

"Long story", I was obviously going to explain this story, but not now.

"Ok how about this, you go shower, change into something clean, I make you some tea, and we go on the balcony where you tell me what happened, sounds good?" I nodded, he was truly amazing, but right now I was in no mood to talk. I gave him a soft smile and went to shower.

After a long, warm and awfully relaxing shower, I put on some pajamas and we went on the balcony, I had tea, he had cigarettes and I got ready to tell him my story.

"Pass me a cigarette", I asked. I haven't smoked in a while, I used to smoke when I was dating Irina, and I stopped right after, but considering the situation I earned it.

"Oh it's that bad. How about I roll for us baby? We haven't smoked in a while" I nodded, once again thanking him, he was absolutely amazing.

"Alright, drink your tea, I'll go get the stuff", he kissed the top of my head and went to get the stuff while I drank my tea. Looking at the moon and the starts. I was lost in my thoughts when he came back. With the stuff, my journal and my favorite pen. I was surprised he even knew which pen was my favorite.

"There you go, so you don't get too bored while I roll. Plus the sky is pretty tonight, looks like something you would draw." I looked at him, wondering how I managed to find such an amazing guy. He was a gift from Eros, a man who was kissed by Aphrodite.

He started rolling, in intense focus, and I turned to face him, pen and journal in hand, I started drawing him. The sky was indeed beautiful tonight, but I had something more beautiful to draw in front of me. 

I finished drawing, he finished rolling and we started smoking, which was the perfect occasion for me to talk about my past. I told him about Irina, our relationship, her crimes, the breakup, how I left, the fact that I met her earlier, the fight. I also showed him the book, he did ask me if it alright to read it and I assured him he could.

He flipped through the pages, still smoking, until he gave me the book back.

"So?", I wanted to know how he felt about this. He has been listening to the whole story, not reacting or interrupting once.

"It's cool honestly, I mean we all have terrible exes, plus know I know your type is bad boys and bad girls. I also got bisexual vibes from you so I'm not surprised that you dated a girl" this made me laugh.

"What do you mean bisexual vibes?" he laughed too, flashing that same mischievous smile I loved so much.

"Have you seen yourself? Your entire persona screams bisexual!" We both ended up laughing at this, spending another hour smoking and just talking about whatever. He also told me about some of his crazy exes, and I can say his stories were crazier than mine.

We ended up sleeping a bit before sunrise, laying in bed, with heavy bodies but lighter hearts. I felt better telling him about myself. I also felt great about the fact that I faced no judgment, no comments, just understanding and acceptance. 

We didn't go out today, mostly ordered room service and the three of us stayed in the hotel room talking about whatever. 

We went out the next day, the day after and almost every day until it was time to go back to Hogwarts, with extra suitcases and clothes we prayed would fit into our closets. 

Tonight was the night of the ball, as planned, Pansy and I were getting ready in her dorm. I was doing my makeup, she did her hair while we listened to music and gossiped. Once we were finally ready, we sat on the bed and had a snack until we heard a knock on the door.

I opened the door to greet Malfoy and Matteo, both in their pretty suits. I went to hug Matteo. "You look amazing babe" I kissed his cheek.

"And you look so beautiful I could go blind right now", I laughed at his comment, loving how my artistic influence is rubbing off on him. I took his arm and we went to the great hall.

The ball ended up not as boring as the boys described it, the music wasn't amazing and there was no liquor in any of the beverages but I still enjoyed my time, especially the dancing.

Once the ball was over, we went to change and got ready for the after party, this time it was at the Ravenclaw dorms, which means I've been working on it for long enough to know this party was going to be amazing. 

Down in the common room the loud music and the many buzzing conversations made me smile, I loved it here. 

Honestly, when I transferred to Hogwarts, all I wanted was a change of scenery, something different, something new. Did I expect my life to change for the better? Not that much. I found amazing friends, a beautiful boyfriend. A new life was breathed into me, I found more than what I was looking for, I truly believe destiny brought me here; and I'm grateful it did.

I don't know what life has planned for me next, but whatever it is, I'm ready, and I know it will be good.

The end

Author's note: I hope you all enjoyed this short story, I loved writing it and it's been an absolute pleasure. If you liked it, do not hesitate to vote and/or comment, it really makes my day.

Make sure to tell me what you thought about this story, if you have any constructive criticism, of course be polite and kind I will not tolerate hate or negativity here, this is a safe space.

If you enjoy my writing make sure to check out my other works

I love you all, have a good day/night <33

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