Chapter 5

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Lucie's POV

So there I was, in pajamas, laying on the floor of the astronomy room. This time he brought us one blunt each because he did say that he hated sharing blunts, I didn't mind, I wasn't a bit fan of sharing either.

We chilled in silence for some time until he decided to break it:


- Yeah?

- Am I really beautiful?

- Yes, that you are

- What's so beautiful about me?

- Physically?

- Yeah

- You have a pretty face. You are glistening eyes, they have like a flicker in them, like a match. Then you have a really nice smile, sometimes it can be cute and sometimes it can be mischievous. You have an essence that I really appreciate 

- Thank you. He slurred his words, turning on his side to dap me up

- Don't you hear some noise?

- Shit we need to leave

We sobered up super fast due to the panic and looked around to try and find an escape, the footsteps were getting closer and the only way out was the door. So our only hope right now was that whoever was in the corridor wasn't going to catch up on us.

We looked at each other for a split second, nodded and without a second thought, got ready to bolt out the door. We opened it and started running until we heard a familiar name "Wait guys it's me!". We turned around to meet Draco. To be honest, I don't think I've ever been that relieved to see him in me entire life. 

"I knew you sons of  bitches would be here!" We immediately relaxed. I said goodbye to the both of them to go to sleep and tried to slow down my heart rate. 

I walked back to the dorms, answered the riddle and directly fell on my bed. I had done my night routine before hand so I could just sleep without worrying about anything. I got under my blanket and fell into the arms of Morpheus. 

The next day I thankfully woke up early enough for breakfast. I did my morning routine, ate, attended my classes and during my free hour went to the library. I've never been there even though it's been almost a week since I've joined this school, which is surprising. In my old school people used to say I would haunt the library because of how much I stayed there. I also became friends with the librarian and had tea with her once a week. 

I sat down, got a bunch of things and quietly hummed to myself while writing. It was peaceful and I felt like I had a lot of inspiration today which is great. I was in my bubble, fragile but solid. Close to nothing could get me out of it, but I was so easily distracted. 

I was working on something when I felt a hand on my shoulder and another hand snatch away my notebook. In panic, I immediately stood up and turned around to face Matteo. I offered him my hand, requesting my notebook back. 

He ignored me and tried to read what I was writing. I tried to stop him, scolding him "Theo, Theo give me my fucking book back. I'm not fucking joking give it to me. Please". I was serious but he was laughing, still flipping through the pages. I eventually lost my patience and hit him. I didn't put much force into it, it wasn't enough to hurt him, but enough to send a warning, enough to push him off. 

I got my notebook out of his hands and grabbed my stuff "Don't touch my shit again". I left and he followed, mad at me this time. "What the hell is your problem Luce, it's just a notebook. Why are you overreacting like this?". We left the place and I walked to the courtyard where he still followed me, still mad at the fact that I hit him; though I believe he deserved it:


- It's private Theo, I've never shared it with anyone, and I do not plan on making you an exception

- Come on it's literally what? A bunch of texts, a few sketches done with a pen. What's so private about that?

- It's mine, I made it, I decide who gets to see it or not. That's it, just respect that

- It's not that deep

- It is to me, you wouldn't understand

- You're right, I don't understand why a simple messy notebook would cause you to fucking hit me 

- Oh fuck you Matteo    

- Fuck you Lucie! I wouldn't have befriended you if I knew you would be such a bitch! 

- Oh so I'm the bitch now? I exclaimed, shocked he would say such a thing about me

- Yes, you're being a crazy bitch

- And you're being an asshole

- I'm being an asshole?

- Yes!

- I'm not the one who slapped you over some fucking notebook

- I wouldn't have hit you if you had given it to me when I asked you to

- Oh fuck you Lucie

- Oh go to hell


Mad, he walked away from me. I stayed in place and sighed, fucking hell why does he have to be like that. I sat back down, wrote some more and went to eat lunch. I sat down to eat when Pansy tapped my shoulder, I leaned back to hear her better:


- Why is Matteo mad? He's being an asshole to everyone

- We argued cause he tried to read from my notebook when I told him not to

- The one you said you only shared with your grandpa right?

- Yeah

- If he already knew how private it was, then you told him and he still didn't listen to you

- Then I hit him

- Understandable, I would be mad too if someone touched my private stuff

- Yeah exactly

- He's like that sometimes but he'll come around, don't worry

- I don't worry

- Good


We both went back to eating, I finished my day, went to my room and did some homework, did my night routine and went to sleep. 

To be continued 

Through her eyes - Matteo Riddle X reader (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora