Chapter 3

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Lucie's POV

I was shocked but pretty happy inside. Matteo noticed me and tried to hide the very obvious joint he had in his hand. I'm sure he must be internally cursing. I walked to him like a child about to ask for candy and sat next to him. I gave him my hand, "I ain't saying anything if you let me smoke with you". He seemed surprised at my request. "What? Just because I'm smart it means I don't smoke weed. I'm an artist, I need to get the inspiration from somewhere."

He sighed and passed me the little bundle of joy, "You're fucking mental". I laughed and took a long hit. "That, you're right about." I admitted. I exhaled the smoke, relaxing deeply:


- So how long you've been smoking in here? I asked, this place is nice, no one would think of coming here, especially this late

- I was looking for a spot, I got lost, ended up here, never left.

- I'm glad I came here.

- I'm not, I hate having to share

- Get used to it cause you're not getting rid of me anytime soon

- So you owe me

- What do I even owe you? I chucked

- You're smoking my weed, so you owe me

- You're getting my silence in exchange, stop complaining and pass me the joint


Soon enough, the joint was finished and we both laid on the cold hard floor. Feelings things, physically mainly. I liked the chill that came with being high, it was like I was sinking into the floor, like in quicksand, mellow and velvety. I was literally pulled out of my haze by Matteo "It's time for bed, you can get to your dorm on your own or do you want me to take you?".

I stood up with a smile on my face. I held his face in my two hands, his had soft skin but had small scars. "I can go to my dorm alone, thanks. Also Matteo, you're pretty, you're really pretty. That's nice, goodnight". I put my slippers on and walked to my dorm. I answered the riddle and in less than a minute, I was back under my soft bed sheets. I couldn't sleep yet though. I had inspiration. I took a deep inhale and got my pen and notebook. I wrote and wrote and wrote, until I felt like my hand was about to fall off.

I eventually fell asleep on my bed. My head was heavy but I liked it.

The next day I ended up waking up too late and missed breakfast. In a rush, I did my morning routine, put my uniform and shoes on and had to jump from chair to chair so I would get to class on time.

I fortunately got to class on time and sat at the very back next to Matteo. I held my stomach, I was starving. He discreetly tapped my tight and passed me a bundle of paper towels from under the table. "You weren't at breakfast so I figured you would be hungry". I unfolded the bundle and my eyes it up at the sight of the two small chocolate filled pastries.

"Thanks, are you trying to bribe me so I'll do all the work for you?" I jokingly asked, though it would be a possibility. Whatever he wanted from me, after giving me those pastries, he could have it. I used my book to hide me and ate as discreetly as possible. I then disposed of the paper towels in the small bin behind me.

"Maybe, is it working?" He joked back. He had this sly smirk on his face. It was attractive. I nodded and smiled at him before focusing back on the class and letting him sleep. I took messy notes so I could later redo them in my room, color code them and everything. It was something I loved doing.

Once the class was dismissed, I woke Matteo up and walked out. On my way out, I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to meet Hermione. I smiled at her. "Hey Hermione, how are you?". She handed me back my notes. I put them in my bag.

"Thanks for the notes, they really helped. Sorry again, about what I said about you". I could see she was genuine, which I appreciated. I admired how she could maturely admit her faults, own up to them and apologize. I gave her a soft smile.

"Of course, you can take my notes anytime you need them. Also, thanks for apologizing, it's an admirable thing to do. Do you want to walk to class together?". She gave me a smile and nodded in response. 

We walked to our next class which was one of my favorites, Divination. I just thought it was a beautiful things and I've loved learning about it. In class, I sat with Hermione and went to introduce myself and talk a bit with the teacher. Her name was Trelawney, she seemed a bit odd. Not crazy, I didn't like that word, but I'd say that a lot of things are happening in her mind. It was interesting. 

I sat back down and focused on the class. I wrote random notes but mostly focused on the class, today's subject was tarot cards. I've always been fascinated by them, they're just so aesthetically pleasing and I love the little details on them. I even designed my own deck of cards when I was younger, I still have the deck, just never got around to using it.  

After class was lunch. I took my stuff, said goodbye to Hermione and went to sit down and eat with Padma. I was enjoying lunch until someone tapped my shoulder. I put my fork down and turned around to meet a blonde boy, he wasn't a natural blonde, it was clearly a dye job. He gave me his hand to shake:


- I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy

- Lucie, nice to meet you

- So you're Matteo's smoking buddy?

- I don't know what you're talking about. I think Matteo is the name of my desk mate but he's in another dimension 80% of the time so I don't know much about him

- You really are loyal huh? 

- I think you have me confused with someone else mate. 

- Hey Lucie, he's my friend, he's chill. Matteo appeared from behind his back

- Oh, alright then. Yeah that's me, he hates me for it now. I laughed 

- You seem cool, we have this thing in the Slytherin common room tonight, nothing much, like a slumber party, wanna come?

- Sure, I don't have anything to do

- Cool, I'll wait for you in front of the common room

- See you tonight. I smiled at both of them and turned back around to finish eating


I finished eating in time to go brush my teeth before my next class. I attended the rest of my classes, went back to the dorms, showered and decided to do some work and study a bit before night time. Once it was time for me to go, I put on something comfortable and walked to the Slytherin dorms. There, as planned,  Matteo was waiting for me, standing against a wall, in pajamas. I greeted him and went inside. 

There, I sat down with a bunch of people I introduced myself to. They were all super chill, despite what people said about them, I enjoyed hanging out with them. We talked, played some board games, etc. It was super fun. 

Pansy and I were playing cards and I ended up winning which she was kind of mad about. "I need a rematch, you're clearly cheating, it's the third time you win". We were all laughing, I've been playing this game my entire life and no one could beat me to it, not even my own parents. 

"Pansy you're so bitter you wouldn't get any sweeter even if we dissolved you in honey" I told her jokingly. I was laughing so much with them. 

"Lucie, we get it you're a poet. No need to use fancy sentences, if you wanna call her a bitter bitch, please just call her a bitter bitch" Blaise said with a smile, his sentence caused him to receive a nasty slap that made us laugh even more. 

I greatly enjoyed my time for them but it was time for me to go back to my dorm. I stood up and said goodbye to everyone. I planned on walking back alone but Matteo insisted on walking me back to my dorms. 

To be continued 

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