Chapter 2

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Lucie's POV

I woke up bright and early the night day. Took a nice warm shower, did some skincare, put my uniform on, packed my bag and went for breakfast. I didn't need a bag for my classes but I needed it to keep my pencil case, notebooks and books. I don't like having busy hands so I prefer so have a cute little bag. 

I went with my new friend, Padma, we ate breakfast with everyone, I went to brush my teeth and went to my first class of the day. It was a very interesting class and I really enjoyed participating, I answered practically every question he asked, even questions he didn't ask and ended up bringing a lot of points to my house which is great.

Once the class was dismissed, I packed my stuff and left the classroom. On my way out, I heard this girl's voice, she was angrily ranting. "Who even is this girl? It's not possible to know the answers of every question damnit! It's hard, even for me, and I've spend at least an hour reading the syllabus and studying. She thinks she can just come up here and show off. I think she's cheating honestly."

I assumed she was talking about me since I was the only one who fit the description. I stood pretty close to hear her continue, listening as needles came out of her mouth, pricking at her throat and tongue in the process. Once she was a bit calmed down, I decided to walk up to them and formally introduce myself. "Hello, I'm Lucie, I transferred here from Beaux-Batons. It's a pleasure to meet you. If you're wondering, I like to read the syllabus in advance, during the vacation, so I usually know the topic in advance. I have notes, I can lend them to you if you'd like. Here, everything is color coded, you can keep them as long as you need. Also, I don't want us to be on any bad terms or for you to dislike me, you seem like a nice person, so let's burry whatever you have against me and start off the right foot?"

I offered her my notes, that I kept in a small binder in my bag and offered my hand to shake. After a minute, she finally took the notes and shook my hand. "I'm Hermione, sorry for speaking about you like that, thanks for the notes. This is Harry and Ron". I shook her hand a bit longer, I wanted to make sure I shook off the negative energy off of us first before shaking the hands of the two boys I've just met.

It was nice to meet them and despite how we met, I'm sure they seem like nice people. I then went on with the rest of my classes, ate and went back to the common room to chill, maybe write a bit. I didn't have much work to do so I could just relax. I continued reading yesterday's book, had some tea, did my night routine and went to sleep.

The next morning, my morning went pretty much the same, though I did encounter a lot of trouble with the moving stairs, I ended up a bit late to the potions class but the teacher didn't seem to mind. I walked to the only vacant place which was next to this boy who was dead asleep. Rough night I guess. I let him sleep and focused on the class. Near the end, the teacher announced that we had an assignment to do with the person next to us. We just had to make a potion and not mess up, nothing hard about that.

I do think he should at least be aware of the assignment. I got closer to him and slightly tapped his shoulder to wake him up. He slightly opened his eyes, closed them and opened them back up. It took him some time to realize what was going on, then he kind of panicked. He jolted up as if he had been electrocuted, catching the attention of people around. I gave him a second to settle down before telling him "We have an assignment to do, recreate a potion basically, if you wanna participate in this you can but if not I got it don't worry".

"You know what you're doing?" He asked with a sleepy voice, he put his head back on his arm, ready to go back to sleep. He had priorities in life and I respected that.

"Yeah of course, you can go back to sleep I got this". I assured him. I wasn't a big fan of group work anyway and preferred working alone so I'm glad he backed out on this. He gave me a thumbs up and fell right back asleep. I got started with the assignment and finished in record time which meant that I could leave early. I woke my desk mate up, quickly explained the situation and before I could finish my sentence, he had bolted out of class. He left so fast his shadow didn't have time to catch up. It was funny, I rarely saw students like this who simply didn't care about school.

I left the classroom and went to spend some time outdoors. I wanted some fresh air. I sat on a bench and wrote a bit but was interrupted by a voice calling me. I turned around to see my sleepy classmate. "Hey sleepyhead" I greeted him.

He chuckled and sat next to me. "I wanted to thank you for earlier, it was cool to let me sleep and just do the work. I'm Matteo by the way". I shook his hand and put my notebook aside.

"No need to thank me, I prefer working alone anyways. I'm Lucie, pleasure to meet you. You have a pretty name, it means "Gift of God" if memory serves". He accepted the fun fact with a small smile. I stared at him, analyzed him actually, he had a pretty face, I liked his face. After the introductions, we didn't talk much, he went on his way and I continued doing my thing. I attended the rest of my classes, ate, hung out with others in the common room. Before sleeping. I wanted to explore a bit. I was told there was an Astronomy room that was really pretty. Despite the fact that it was late and that I was already in pajamas, I still decided to go. I just needed to avoid getting caught.

I put on my slippers, walked to the astronomy room to find something that was equally shocking and pleasing.

To be continued

Through her eyes - Matteo Riddle X reader (completed)Where stories live. Discover now