Chapter 1

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Lucie's POV

Despite the lack of sleep, I was unable to rest on this trip. There was just so much to say, to talk about, well, to write about actually. I don't really understand why my parents decided to move, or why they decided to make me switch school but I'm not complaining. Beaux-Batons wasn't that great anyways. What I liked the most was change. I loved change, moving, traveling, changing schools in this case. It gets my inspiration going, and there's nothing more important than inspiration for an artist. Inspiration is like our blood flow, when it's cut, or suppressed, it doesn't end very well for us.

All I could do on this train ride was have a pen and write, pages on top of pages, on top of pages again. I finally took a break when my left hand was screaming at me to stop and took a minute to reread my work. I added a few touches here and there and was pretty satisfied with what I wrote. Nothing concrete, just bits here and there, poems, texts, short stories, even little sketches.

My parents often ask me if I'm sure I don't want to become an author later on but I don't want to. I feel like art in general, especially my art, is something so deeply personal, that I could never share with just anybody, especially not strangers for them to judge. My art was like the physical incarnation of an idea, a piece of my soul. My notebook was therefore, in my opinion, like a slice of my soul. A physical proof that I, a human being, possess a soul. That's aways how I've seen it.

People never really agreed with me though, saying art should be shared with one another, but I never really listened to them. It's true that I'm thankful others decided to share their art with the world. With music, poetry, paintings, books, etc. Still, it doesn't mean I should do the same. I've only shared my art with 3 people, my parents and my late grandfather. I'm not planning on adding names to that collection, even less if it's people I don't know.

I noticed the train was stopping. I grabbed my stuff, made sure to put my notebook in my bag and was now on my way out. I met this tall man with a huge beard whom I followed to the castle. On my way there, I decided to sketch a bit with my ballpoint pen, the view was stunning.

I was scribbling on a random page when Hagrid asked, "Oh you're drawing? May I see?" I closed the notebook, shaking my head. My reaction may have been a bit disproportionate so I wanted to explain myself.

"I have nothing against you don't worry. I'm just really private about my art, it's very personal to me so I don't like to share it with anyone". He nodded and gave me a small smile, assuring me he understood and it was okay. I was reassured to see he didn't get offended, I unfortunately got too used to that kind of reaction.

Once we got there, I got to see the castle, it was beautiful. Genuinely beautiful, I stood there staring at it for a few minutes until I was rushed inside. Apparently I had some kind of sorting ceremony which I didn't really understand nor care to understand. I was taken in a massive room, long tables on the extremities with what seemed like a hundred students staring at me. I walked the long alley, it was a bit awkward but I didn't want to show it. I kept my back straight, chin up and head tall. I was sat on a chair, greeted the headmaster and teachers present. I looked at an old talking hat. It was made of leather but almost falling apart, the kind of hat that collected dust, but I'm sure it has a lot of history and has seen a lot of things.

The hat was put on my head and I avoided thinking about the fact that it could've maybe given me lice or something. It thought out loud for a moment, stating two distinct names, "Slytherin or Ravenclaw?". Those names did sound odd but it was interesting, I wanted to know more. After maybe a minute or two, it finally made it's choice, which was Ravenclaw. A table on the right applauded and cheered.

I guess I was sorted in some kind of group. I need to be filled in on this later on. I was told to join their table and eat. I obeyed and went there. Thankfully, I was welcomed pretty fast and introduced myself to a bunch of people. I relaxed, ate and talked with people I had a ton of common interest with.

After lunch, I was shown to the dorm, funnily enough, our house was like the "book smart" people. We usually were good students, had good grades, etc. To get in our dorms, we need to answer a riddle. I really like the challenge. I'm liking this place so far. 

I answered the riddle pretty easily and went inside to discover the common room. I stood there, mouth agape for a moment. This is one of the most beautiful rooms I've ever seen in my life and I'm not exaggerating. It was so nicely decorated, but not in a simple way. Everyone here decorated it, it's like there's a piece of everyone here, the people before us, this common room is like a piece of history. I can't wait to be able to decorate it too. First, I need to think about my room.

I was shown my room and took a minute to sit down and get accustomed with my surroundings. I needed to get used to this new room before I could do anything, let alone sleep in it. I started unpacking my bags, put some stuff down, some in the closet and took a look at my uniform. It was pretty and seemed comfortable. I rearranged my room a bit, found a nice shelf where I could put my books.

Once I was done and satisfied with my work, I decided to go hangout in the common room. Even if I just stay there to read a bit, it's a nice place to be and could be a good occasion to socialize with people from my house. I grabbed the book I was currently reading which was . Usually, reading plays wasn't my favorite thing to do. I've always preferred watching them, but I had so many plays, I wasn't going to just keep them around and let them collect dust. So I just watch the play in a theatre, then I can read the play, it's also a really nice thing to do because you can visualize the scene as you read it and you can see what exactly what the playwright trying to imply with this or that scene.

I was half reading, half thinking in front of my book when someone tapped my shoulder. I closed my book and looked around to see a girl smiling at me. I smiled and introduced myself. She pointed at my book:

- You read Corneil too?

- Of course, his tragedies are amazing

- Thank you. Not many people here are interested in theatre so I have no one to talk to about it

- What's your favorite play?

- Excuse my pronunciation but I believe it's "L'ecole des femmes". Even though it was heavily criticized, I think Molière did a great job portraying the 1700's society and misogyny, it was also pretty feminist for that time

- I have 2 copies of the play in my room. Should we go and act it out? 

- I couldn't ask for anything better

- I'm gonna love you soon enough

- Me even more

We both ran to my room like little girls, I grabbed the two copies from a big file and gave her one. I have tons of copies of different plays because I used to do theatre. There's sadly no theatre club here but here's the next best thing. We continued, acting it out, talking, laughing and having fun. It was really fun but I sadly had to cut it short. Tomorrow was my first day and I needed to be ready for it, starting with having my 8 hours of sleep.

To be continued

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