Chapter 4

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Lucie's POV

We slowly walked to my dorms, still talking, we even took a different path so we would walk longer. I really enjoyed talking to him, well we didn't really talk, I talked and talked and he simply listened. What I liked was that he actually listened, he didn't pretend to listen, or doze off, or get lost in his thoughts, he actually listened. With focus and attention, more than he did in class. It was like we were in our own little bubble.

Until sadly, it ended. We got to my dorm and stayed there for an extra minute to exchange goodbyes. I didn't want to say goodbye to him, not now. He stood there, with his hands in his pockets, looking down at me. I smiled at him:


- Thanks for tonight Matteo, I really enjoyed myself with you guys

- Of course, you know you're the first person from another house that we invited here

- Wow I'm honored

- You should be, you're our friend now

- I'm glad, and thanks for listening to me rant on the way here

- Nah, it's interesting, I learn more listening to you than in class

- That's because you sleep in class

- True

- Anyways, I should go goodnight

- Goodnight Luce


I waved my hand at him, answered the riddle and went to my dorm. I sat down on my bed. I felt an odd feeling in my chest. It felt like my chest was being sat on, it was heavy, but in a good way. I felt contentment and satisfaction. Something I haven't really felt, I was like a middle school girl all over again. Smiling and giggling like a little girl. I really do think I'm starting to like him, and I wasn't against it. I did my night routine and went to sleep.

I woke up the next day and stayed on my bed for some more time. I stretched and finally got out of bed. I opened the curtains to let the sun shine and did my morning routine while humming some random songs. I got dressed and finally went out for breakfast. On my way there I got distracted by the painting of a woman I was staring at. "Simply beautiful" I said to myself. The woman suddenly moved and thanked me, causing me to flinch. I forgot about that one detail.

She thanked me and carefully leaned in as if she was going to tell me a secret. I leaned it to, as I was mere centimeters away for her, she whispered "So you and Matteo huh?". I got away and got ready to deny when I remember that she probably saw us walking together yesterday night.

"It's nothing, we're just friends". I admitted, though Matteo was nice to me, a very attractive man with a smile that shook the earth to its very core. It was too early to jump to conclusions. I greeted the painting goodbye and finally went to get breakfast. I was a bit late so I hurriedly sat down and started eating.

Pansy tapped and my shoulder from behind me, "You're finally here, Matteo was gonna start packing pastries in paper towels like a mom". Her comment made me laugh but Matteo told her to shut up. I was still thankful that he fed me that one time. One thing I love is food, so the way to my heart is my stomach, and he's swiftly making his way towards my heart.

We finished eating, I went to brush my teeth and went to class to sit with Matteo like always. He got his bag on the table and was getting ready to sleep when I asked. "Do you not sleep at night? How is it that in every class you're sleeping". I genuinely wondered because it was odd to sleep that much, he sleeps in almost every class of the day and still slept at night, I didn't understand how.

He shrugged, "Those tables are really comfortable to sleep on you know. If you weren't such a good student you would know how good a table feels.". He wasn't wrong, I've had my fair share of sleeping on tables and it was a great feeling, sometimes even better than beds.

I stared taking notes hurriedly because that teacher was speaking really fast. I was speeding up, writing line after line of words until I felt my elbow bump onto something. I held it in pain, letting out a small "Ouch". I looked at Matteo who woke up and started dramatically shouting "Ouch what the fuck that hurts so bad!". I started apologizing for accidentally elbowing him in the eye, in my defense I'm left handed and his head shouldn't have been that close, plus he has a hard ass head.

He was still ranting like a drama queen when the professor shouted both of our names. We turned to him, startled, he pointed at the door "Out" he said. Nothing more, nothing less. I sighed, not wanting to argue today, I'll ask Hermione for her notes I guess.

I got my bag, Matteo stood and we both left. We exited the classroom and then went to sit on one of the benches outside. There, I put my stuff down and moved his hands and hair so I could get a better look at his eye. I was awfully close to him face because I wanted to make sure I didn't leave a mark. Once I was sure that I didn't hurt him that bad, I scoffed. "You're such a drama queen, there isn't even a bruise".

He got offended at my statement and stood up. "Well think about how I feel, I was peacefully sleeping when suddenly, I receive an elbow in my eye.". We were now toe to toe, jokingly arguing. Neither of us was mad, we both tried not to burst out laughing but we did.
I sat back down and he laid on the bench, using my thighs as a pillow. I decided to take out a book from my bag. I read a few pages until Matteo took the book away from me. "Astronomy room, tonight? 9pm?" I nodded and took my book back so I could finish reading.

Once the hour was over, we both walked to our next class, sat down at the back like always and obviously, the first thing he did was go to sleep. We finished our classes for the day, we ate, I did my night routine and went to meet Matteo in the astronomy room as planned.

To be continued

Through her eyes - Matteo Riddle X reader (completed)Where stories live. Discover now