1.4 | THE BET

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Ch. 4: The Bet


MILO WAS THE FIRST TO MOVE IN THE HEAVY SILENCE, wordlessly pulling Sam into a tight embrace. He hoped that the tangible feeling of warmth and comfort would help keep Sam grounded amidst the flurry of firefighters rushing past them and into the ruins of the apartment. Sam stood still for a moment, feeling the strength and warmth of Milo's presence encase him, before responding with equal intensity, his arms clinging to Milo as if he were a lifeline.

"It's gonna be okay, Sam," Milo whispered softly, his voice a soothing balm against the storm raging within Sam's heart.

Dean, standing nearby, reached out and placed a comforting hand on Sam's shoulder, his touch conveying unspoken support. With a nod to Milo, he quietly made his way to the Impala, allowing his brothers a moment of solace.

Despite his larger stature, Sam was overcome with vulnerability, a shadow of the little boy seeking refuge in the shelter of his brother's embrace. Memories of seeking solace from the terrors they'd faced in the past flooded his mind, and for a brief moment, he found comfort in the familiar yet unfamiliar safety.

Reluctantly though, Sam released his grip on Milo, mimicking Dean's actions and silently settled into the passenger seat. Milo followed suit, taking his place in the backseat.

And after a couple of days spent preparing himself and bidding a solemn farewell to Jessica at her newly appointed resting place, Sam hit the road with his brothers, holding onto nothing but the weight of grief. Dean and Milo refrained from prying or offering unsolicited words, understanding the need for Sam to mourn in his own way for a loss they wouldn't understand.

 The loss of a lover.

However, a day after his visit to Jessica's grave, the nightmares began to haunt Sam's restless sleep. And unable to ignore his distress anymore, Dean couldn't resist saying something when Sam jolted awake abruptly in the passenger seat.

"You okay?" Dean asked, his gaze fixed firmly on the road ahead, careful not to startle Sam further into withdrawal.

Sam glanced over and away, pressing his fingers against his temple as he shook off the remnants of fitful sleep. "Yeah, I'm fine," he lied, weariness seeping into his voice and betraying his true state.

Dean nodded slowly, his eyes meeting Milo's through the rear-view mirror. The unspoken truth lingered between them, both aware of the blatant lie. Milo decided to make an attempt.

"Another nightmare?" Milo asked casually, trying to create another opening for Sam to share something.

Sam cleared his throat but remained silent, his guarded demeanour revealing his reluctance to discuss anything with them.

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