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Ch. 3: No Return


THE THREE BOYS RODE IN SILENCE WITH THE FIRST RAYS of dawn breaking through the horizon as they made their way to the nearest motel. Dean hadn't felt all that in the mood to put on any music seeing as he couldn't even sit comfortably knowing he was sullying his car with the mud they couldn't wipe off. Every small movement he made, whether it be turning the wheel or even titling his head to look at his blind spots led to more discomfort.

Sam and Milo exchanged amused glances at the fact, unashamed in their delight as Dean's suffering seemed to be the highlight of the whole trip. However, as they reentered the town limits and turned into the motel parking lot, they straightened up again.

Dean stalked over to the reception desk and slapped a VersaBank MasterCard in the name of Hector Aframian onto the handwritten guest ledger. "One room, please."

The clerk glanced between the three boys, Dean still covered in filth, Sam and Milo standing beside him like vigilant bodyguards. A flicker of recognition crossed his mind as he took in their shared features, but he dismissed it. After all, he wasn't paid to make small talk. Still, curiosity got the better of him, and he ventured to ask, "You guys having a reunion or something?"

"What do you mean?"

The clerk eyed the card, looking almost annoyed. "I had another guy, Burt Aframian. He came and bought out a room for the whole month.

Milo tilted his head, "A whole month?" There was no way John would actually think he'd take a whole month to work the case. Unless Dean was right and John was purposefully leaving them clues. With that thought in mind, Milo moved to stand next to Dean, leaning over the counter to smile bashfully at the clerk. "It must have slipped our mind. Could you remind us which room that was?"

The other two brothers just stared.

And after getting the room number from the clerk, the trio quickly exited the motel lobby and made their way to the room. Ignoring the 'Do Not Disturb' sign hanging on the doorknob, Milo instinctively tested the door's lock before stepping back.

His hand curled into a tight fist, ready to deliver a powerful kick that would bust the door open. But before he could act, Sam quickly grabbed his shoulder.

"Dude," Sam shook his head. He knelt down, brandishing the two paperclips he swiped from the front desk.

Milo nodded, stepping back to give Sam some space.

The sound of metal meeting metal filled the air as Sam skillfully manipulated the paper clips, his fingers working with precision. And finally, with a satisfying click, the lock gave way and the door swung open. Rising to his feet, Sam's face lit up with triumph.

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