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Ch. 2: Different


MILO ADJUSTED HIS HEAD on the duffel bag he'd been using as a makeshift pillow, his body sprawled across the back leather seating of the Impala. His dead, tired eyes gazed up at the roof, searching for solace in the silence. Sleep eluded him without the familiar white noise of the engine's rumble and the rhythmic movements of the tires on the uneven road beneath them.

Sam sat in the front seat with the car door wide open, sifting through an old box of tapes. The absence of Dean and his overbearing music created an uncomfortable silence between the two of them that neither was willing to break.

It was strange how easily Milo had slipped back into sync with Dean, but with Sam, it was an entirely different story. The wounds that marked their once close relationship ran deep, scars that couldn't be forgotten or healed so easily.

But even when Milo had left, he told Bobby that if any of the Winchesters asked, it was okay to let them know where he was within reason. They assumed that John and Dean would never ask outside of grave emergencies. But Sam was different. Milo had spent countless hours contemplating what he would say to the kid when Sam eventually reached out.

But the call never came.

Dean, who almost seemed to sense the tension, made himself known again by chucking all the items he got from the convenience mart both at Sam and through the open window directly above Milo's head.

Milo didn't even flinch at the feeling of a metal can hitting his chest, instead he just picked it up and moved it to rest on his forehead. The coolness of the metal numbed his tired brain and silenced his racing thoughts.

"A nice cold energy drink for idiot one and a chocolate bar for idiot two!" Dean chuckled, acting a little too joyful for six in the morning, before going through the motions of refuelling the car.

"So, how'd you pay for that stuff? You and Dad still running credit card scams?" Sam asked, twirling the chocolate bar in his fingers.

Milo let out a little laugh from the backseat, "Arent we all?" He paused, memories of his own past cons mingling with the present. "Well, I stopped after becoming friends with an entire police precinct, but I did scam my way there."

Sam gave him a disappointed look anyway.

Dean shrugs nonchalantly, "Yeah, well, hunting ain't exactly a pro-ball career." He put the nozzle back on the pump. "Besides, all we do is apply. It's not our fault they send us the cards."

Sam scoffed, "Yeah? And what names did you write on the application this time?"

Sam swung his legs back inside the car, slamming the door shut with a bang.

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