The package - Part 4 - Expendable x Reader

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"Whose asking?" Gunnar enquired gruffly, as she looked over at the rather shaky appearing woman that had one arm in a cast and sling. Her face, that the big Swede as well as all the others had to admit looked slightly familiar, turning ashen, clammy, as she tried her best to ignore the pain. Toll glaring at Gunnar, before helping their visitor to take a seat on one of the old crates that were dotted around the hanger.

"Just ignore him; the rest of us do." Toll assured the lady, before looking over to Doc, as he felt the coldness of her hand. Doc quickly getting to his feet and making his way over to her. The lady smiling up at him as she took her wrist and checked her pulse.

"Miss............are you..............?"

"I'm fine...........well...............I'll be ok.............I..........I'm the package." She announced, as Doc placed his hand to her forehead. Barney, Lee and the others looking at one another.

"I believe I have you.........all of you to thank for rescuing me." She continued, as she tried to ignore the pain. (Y/n) quickly pulling a small container out of her pocket, cracking off the lid and then pouring a couple of the pills into her mouth; doing her best to swallow the chalky, white tablets.

"You're the package?" Lee asked in disbelief. (Y/n) smiling slightly, as she looked over to him.

She looked so different to what she had done when they had found her. It was obvious even to a blind man that despite the state that she had been in, she was quite the beauty. And now, even in this state, she appeared more so. The marks, the scuffs that littered her face, certainly not detrimental to her appearance. But it was also obvious that she was not in a good way, and the last place that she should be, was there. Though at least with Doc there, Lee felt a little better. Not that he would ever tell Doc that.

"Yes.........I'm (Y/n)..............."


"What do you mean, she's gone................?" Church asked in disbelief, as he looked at the doctor.

"She discharged herself, sir. I recommended that she didn't. I informed her that she was not fully healed and that it could be dangerous; but she wouldn't listen. I believe that her reply was something along the lines of.........she had done far more dangerous things than get her........sorry ass out of that bed. That she would recover better if she were in her own bed..........." The doctor explained. It obvious that the agent wasn't happy with what he was hearing.

Church knew that he should have had some men watching the room. He knew that she hated being in hospital. He should have known that (Y/n) would do something like this; but he had hoped that she was still too ill to move. That she was still in too much in pain to think of doing something foolish. But this was (Y/n), and he should have realised that none of that would matter. That once she had a bee in her bonnet, there was no stopping her. But where she might be, was a different matter.

The company man knew that despite the fact that she had told the doctor that she was going home, that was the last place that she would be. She had something in her mind that had pushed her to do this. Church shaking his head, as a notion popped into his head. A notion that made him shake his head.

"Well doctor, I am going to bring your patient back, and when I do, I want you to keep her in this room until she has fully recovered............Do I make myself clear?" Churched finally said, anger bristling in his words as he glared at the doctor. The medic simply nodding in reply, before the agent made his way to the door.


"What are you doing here............?" Doc asked, before turning to look at Barney and Lee who stood next to him. The knife smith giving both men a gesture that would suggest that they might need to call 911.

"Like I said, I had to come and thank you while I had a chance. Once I started to recover properly, I knew I wouldn't have gotten an opportunity. He would have guards on my room, twenty four, seven." (Y/n) explained. Thanking the big man in front of her, as he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Who................" Galgo chipped in, as he suddenly seemed to appear and took a seat next to her.

"Church." Barney announced, the team watching as their visitor nodded.

"Yep, Church. I made him tell me how I got back to the States. Made him tell me about you. What you did for me. I know that he didn't want to............."

"Yeah, I bet he didn't want to. Probably wanted to pretend that it was all him............" Gunnar huffed, as he pushed his flask back into his pocket.

"I know what you think about Church. What he's done to you guys; but........believe it or not, he isn't that bad. He will do anything for the company, that's true. But he will also do anything for the people he cares about........."

"What? Like you.......................?" Barney enquired, as he moved a little closer.

"You his girlfriend, or something..........?" Caesar continued; deciding to join in the conversation.

"What? Oh, no.............most definitely not his girlfriend. I think that he would drive me nuts, if I had to put up with him all the time. No, Church is.............."

"Church is her brother. Her very protective, older brother............." A voice came. (Y/n) rolling her eyes as she and the men present, turned to look at the doorway of the aeroplane hangar. All of them finding the agent stood there, his arms firmly crossed over his chest. It obvious that he was not so happy about being there.   

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