A little something special - Part 2 - Bonaparte x Reader

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"So..............." Bonaparte began. His eyes firmly focused on the woman by his side. Her eyes looking out into the rock strewn quarry.

Bonaparte had finished telling the sniper about why he was there. About how he had got her information. About the possible job that he could get her. Jobs where she would be able to use her skills and earn more on one mission than she could earn in a whole year working where she was. But now, now he wanted to know more about her. More than what her single paged file could tell him.

"How did you end up here..........If you don't mind me asking?" Bonaparte finally added. The ex-captain letting out a heavy sigh at the question.

"I fell into it really. After I left the service, I was a little lost. I don't have any family, and most of my friends are dead, or still serving. That, and there isn't much call for a sniper in the civilian world. I did a couple of jobs for the company, but those assholes seemed to be doing the best they could to get me killed, so I got out. I was just lucky that I knew a few of the guys in demolition and bomb squads and managed to pick a few things up over the years. I was told that I even had a flare for it. So, when I saw this job, I applied. The boys here have been good to me over the last couple of years. But I have to admit that it would be nice to really feel useful again. To do what I was trained to do. To work with a team again." (Y/n) explained, before turning her attention to the recruiter.

"But, I suppose that you would like to see if I live up to the hype before you really decide whether you want me or not.........."

"Oh, I already know I want you.................." Bonaparte interrupted. His eyes growing as he realised what he had just said. The retired mercenary moving uncomfortably on his rock. Sure, he hadn't come out with anything like that since before his first ex-wife.

"Well, even if that is the case. I still think I should show you what I can do." (Y/n) chuckled, as she stood up, pulled off one of her gloves and rummaged in her pant pocket. The sniper pulling out a little card that had most certainly seen better days, and handed it to Bonaparte. The recruiter looking at it and noting the name of what appeared to be some kind of bar. A bar called "The Dead Man's Hand".

"Be there at seven o'clock tonight. Ask for Bullseye. Oh, and don't let anyone persuade you to try their version of a depth charge. You'll end up on your back with your leg in the air." (Y/n) explained, as she held her hand out and helped the older man to his feet.

"For now though, I have a couple of things to do before I finish here. So, it might be better if you left." The captain added, as she put her hardhat back on her head.

"One more thing..............." Bonapart said, as (Y/n) turned her attention back to him.

"I have never met a Marine without 'Semper Fi' tattooed somewhere. Where's yours.............?" The older man enquired. Watching as the sniper peeled off her right hand glove and showed him her finger.

"I had it written on my trigger finger. That way, when I shoot, I always shoot as a marine." (Y/n) told him. Bonaparte smiling and nodding at her, as he pulled the hardhat from his head and replaced it with his fishing hat. Before turning and making his way back through the field of boulders.


Bonaparte looked between the card in his hand, and the bar in front of him. It was true to say that he had been in some bottom of the barrel places over the years, but this place took the cake. And it was obvious that he was gonna stick out like a sore thumb. His usual attire not really fitting in with the vibe he was getting from the frontage of the bar, or the line of motorbikes that resembled a row of dominoes on the dirt floor parking lot. But it was five minutes to seven, and (Y/n) had told him to be there at seven. So, inside he would go. The recruiter straightening his jacket before making his way up the three wooden steps to the front door.

The ex-mercenary looked around as he pushed his way inside. The patrons seeming to stop all conversations and look right back at him, as he stood in the doorway. Bonaparte feeling as though he had just walked into one of those old black and white westerns, and he was Gary Cooper. The ones where a stranger makes his way into town. The sound of his spurs jangling as he made his way towards the saloon. Everyone stopping, even the guy playing the piano, as the stranger pushed his way through the swinging doors. Bonaparte holding his head up high, as he made his way into the bar. Doing his best to act like he belonged in the place.

"Yeah?" A tall slender man in a grubby red bandanna and black leather vest enquired, as Bonaparte took a seat at the bar. The barman looking him up and down, as Bonaparte smiled.

"Yes. I'm looking for Bullseye................."

"And who's asking..............?" A rather deep and gravelly voice enquired from behind him. Bonaparte gulping at the rather large lump that had just formed in his throat, as he caught a glimpse of the reflection of the man, in the mirror behind the bar. Bonaparte sure that the patrons of the place must have shaved a grizzly and taught him how to talk. The mountain of a man, placing his large hand on Bonaparte's shoulder.

"Stand down, Sargent." Another voice called out. The big man and the recruiter turning around to see (Y/n) stood in the doorway. A rifle bag slung over her shoulders.

"Be civil, Franky. It's ok, he's with me." (Y/n) continued, as she made her way over and removed the big man's hand from Bonaparte's shoulder.

"I've come to use the Major's range out back. Got to show this guy how a Marine shoots. Put a beer on my tab for yourself and Frank here. And make sure no one disturbs us. Okay Tony?" (Y/n) told the barman. The slender man nodding and giving her a quick salute, as she grabbed Bonaparte by the hand and pulled him to the back of the bar.

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