A little something special - Part 1 - Bonaparte x Reader

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New character time. I thought that I would give Bonaparte a try. Hope you like a little Kelsey Grammer.

Bonaparte did his best to keep one eye on the road, as the other eye looked through the pile of files on the passenger seat next to him. The recruiter driving back from viewing the latest hopeful. He was looking for something in particular. Something a little more special than the ordinary run of the mill ex-soldiers that he had been seeing recently. None of them quite good enough as far as he was concerned. But as he got to the bottom of the pile, a small smile tugged at the retired mercenary's lips.

The file definitely wasn't as thick as some of the others, but from what he could see as he sped along the highway, it didn't need to be. The lone piece of paper saying everything that he needed to know. 'Captain (Y/l/n). Alias, Bullseye. Marine sniper. Highly decorated. Three tours of Iraq and Afghanistan. Five confirmed kills at the Battle of Fallujah. Honourably discharged.' The words without a picture or first name giving Bonaparte a feeling that whoever this ex-captain was, he could have already been involved in black ops for the company. Not that that was a bad thing. All it meant was that if he wanted to get more of a handle on this sniper, then he would have to go and see them personally. Bonaparte doubting that anything would come up on the usual databases. But as the only other information was a current place of work for the captain. A busy quarry that wasn't far away from where he currently was, in the other direction. Bonaparte decided that there was no better time than now to meet this so called "Bullseye". Other cars swerving or screeching to a halt, as the truck swung around and crossed the multiple lanes. Bonaparte driving across the dividing strip before joining the opposite lanes of traffic. Not seeming to notice the chaos that he had left behind.


Bonaparte pulled up at the quarry. The ex-mercenary climbing out of the truck and making his way over to a big guy that seemed to be issuing jobs to others.

"Excuse me." He began, straightening his Hawaiian shirt before tapping the large man on the shoulder. The recruiter smiling, as the man turned to look at him.


"I..........I'm looking for a guy called (Y/l/n)." Bonaparte responded, as he looked at the other men that were milling around. Watching to see if any of them held themselves with any kind of military baring.

"A guy called (Y/l/n), huh..............?" The man snorted. A gruff kind of chuckle leaving his lips at the mention of the name. Bonaparte furrowing his brows slightly, as the supervisor shook his head.

"What do you want Bullseye for...............?"

"Nothing much. I'm just an old friend." Bonaparte replied, having no intention of telling the man the real reason he was there.

"I doubt that. Old Bullseye is very selective about their friends. But you don't look like much competition, if you were to try something. So, you'll find (Y/l/n) down in the new quarry. Crazy S.O.B is down there doing the blasting. Only one damn fool enough to do it. You'll need this, and if you hear a siren or a shout, stay the fuck out of the way." The supervisor told him, as he handed Bonaparte a hard helmet and pointed him in the direction of the new quarry. Bonaparte dutifully removing his usual hat and placing the white helmet on his head.


Bonaparte couldn't help but stare. The scape looked like it was something from another world. Either that, or a backdrop to one of the old Star Trek shows. Huge boulders scattering the landscape. The recruiter sure that at any moment The Gorn would jump from behind one, and he would have to do his best Captain Kirk impression and wrestle it.

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!!!!" Came a shout. Bonaparte just managing to flatten himself against one of the boulders, before an explosion rang out. The earth beneath him shaking, as dust descended for the sky.

"WHOOOOOO! NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL A FUCKIN RUSH!" The same voice as before continued. Bonaparte shaking the dirt from his form, before daring to look around his boulder. His eyes falling on the back of a figure. Its lean, yet muscular form resembling that of most other snipers that Bonaparte had ever met. The retired mercenary having a feeling that he had found the man that he had come to see.

"Ahem........" Bonaparte coughed, as he made his way over to where the figure stood. His eyes growing wide, as the figure turned to reveal a very beautiful woman.

"Who the hell are you? Environmental health officer or some shit? Look pal, I comply with everything I need to.................."

"Er...........no................I..............." Bonaparte tried to reply. The older man finding himself a little lost for words for the first time in, well, in forever.

"Then what? Look, I don't mean to be rude, but I've got things to do. And if you shouldn't be down here..............."

"I'm looking for a guy by the name of (Y/l/n). A captain (Y/l/n). Bullseye............" Bonaparte managed to continue. Watching as the woman pulled the hardhat from her head and wiped her forehead.

"A guy called (Y/l/n)? You won't find a guy around here by that name. Nor one that better be using my call sign. If you're looking for Bullseye, then you just found her." The woman replied, as she crossed her arms and stared at him.

"You? You're................"

"Yep. Captain (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n) of the U.S Marines. Call sign Bullseye. Now, you either tell me why you're here, or I'll have to get two rather large men by the names of Rico and Eddie to escort you outta here. This is a worksite, not a fishing trip to Key West." (Y/n) replied. Her arms still firmly crossed over her chest as she waited for a suitable response from the older man that was still looking her up and down.

"Um.........yes. I..........I got your file............." Bonaparte began, as he pulled the rolled up manilla folder from his fishing vest and handed it to the captain.

"I came to see if you were as good as that piece of paper seems to suggest. And if so, I might have a job for you." The recruiter explained. Watching as the ex-captain looked at the information in the folder.

"You with the company, because if you are................."

"No. To be honest I do my best to keep away from those guys. I help recruit talented people like you, for groups that do independent jobs. Specialist jobs. And I think that you might be just the thing that I..........I mean, they are looking for." Bonaparte reassured. Giving the sniper a smile, as she finally looked up from the file.

"Well, if you put it that way..........pull up a rock and lets talk." (Y/n) said, pointing to one of the smaller boulders and taking a seat. Bonaparte happily taking a seat by her side.

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