Unexpected visitor - Part 2 - Gunnar x Reader

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Apologies for taking so long to get back into this book. But I have a really great request to start on next, so I thought I would just ease myself back in with this. Hope you enjoy.

Gunnar growled under his breath as he watched Christmas lean over (Y/n). As he heard his daughter laugh because of something that the Englishman must have said. The younger Jensen showing Lee what she had been tinkering with in the engines.

"So, daughter, huh?" Barney asked, as moved next to the big Swede. Gunnar pulling the hip flask from his pocket and unscrewing the lid. The blonde bringing the small bottle to his lips before seeming to think better of it and screwing the lid back on.

"Yeah. Daughter. Me and her mom were.........well ya know. I met her in a bar one night. She was the most beautiful girl in the room. Lit the whole place up with her smile, and I couldn't help but watch her. She was just perfect in every way, surrounded by every guy in the building. All of them seeming to hang off every word that she said, and I didn't think that I stood a chance. So, I forced myself to look away, but when I did finally manage to take my eye off her, the next thing I knew was she was right by my side, taking my drink from my hand and asking my name. We were together until I had to leave again. I only found out about (Y/n) when she was about a year old. Her mom sent me a letter with pictures of her first birthday. Photos of her as a baby. The letter telling me all about (Y/n) and that her mom hoped that I would like to find out more. If I would like to be part of her life." Gunnar explained with a sniff. Pushing the hip flask back into his pocket. His eyes never leaving the Englishman, as he continued to lavish his attention on (Y/n).

"I have to admit that I was a coward about it and didn't reply. I wasn't ready......no, it was that I knew I wasn't fit to be her pop. I didn't want her turning out like me. So, I stayed away. But (Y/n)'s mom continued to send me pictures and letters. Drawings. You know the kind of thing. And over the years (Y/n) proved that she really was too good to be dragged down by the likes of me. Too good for me to fuck up her life. She graduated with honours from college. Joined the air force and got her commission. She's a good girl. So, I still don't know whether I want her to get involved with me." The large blonde continued. A small smile pulling at the corners of his lips, as (Y/n) closed the cover of the engine. Wiping her hands on one of the many rags, before making her way over to where he and Barney stood talking.

"Well..........until ya decide. I think I could use an extra pair of hands around here. Especially if shed's as good with that old plane, as she claims to be." Barney said quietly in reply. A small smile creeping onto his own lips, as the young woman stopped in front of them.

"I made a couple final adjustments, but she should be good to go. As I said, you should take her out and give her a run, Mister Ross..........."

"Its Barney, and why don't you take her out.............."


"Well, you're the one that put all the hard work in. Seems only fair that you be the one to put her through her paces. And if you are going to be helping out around here................"

"Really.................?" (Y/n) asked again. A large smile spreading from ear to ear, as she looked between Barney, her father. Christmas and Caesar coming to join in with the conversation.

"Is that okay with you, Gunnar...............?"

"Of course he's ok with that..........." Christmas interrupted. The Englishman completely ignoring the glare from the large blonde.

"Now, do you have somewhere to stay?" Christmas continued, as he moved to (Y/n)'s side and placed his arm around her should. Lee now ignoring Gunnars audible growls too.

"Er..........no........well not really. As soon as I got here, I went straight to asking about Gunnar. So, I haven't really had time to find anywhere to sleep. Maybe one of the hotels............."

"Hotel, nah.........we know someone that might have a room above his shop.........."

"She ain't staying with Tool if that's what ya thinking." Gunnar quickly interjected. Not liking the idea of (Y/n) being left alone for any period of time with Tool. Especially given the tattoo artists abilities with the ladies.

"Yeah, think ya might have a point. Tell ya what, we have a small office out the back. There's a collapsible cot that ya could use. Its not perfect, but its yours until ya can find something better." Barney agreed, as he recalled the number of woman that he had seen going in and out of Tool's parlour over the years. Many who had been a similar age to (Y/n). And many not there for his tattooing skills.

"That would be great, thank you. I really appreciate it Mister........Barney. I promise I'll find something as soon as I can." (Y/n) agreed. The young woman not sure what this little thing was that her father and the other men had going. But knowing that she would really like to find out more.

"Now about the plane."


(Y/n) sat in the pilot seat, smiling as Barney sat next to her, and Gunnar, Caesar and Barney squeezed into what little room there was left in the small confines of the cockpit. The large machine happily bursting into life as she flipped switches and pressed buttons. The plane slowly and steadily moving along the runway.

"Sounds good." Christmas said. Smiling, as Barney turned to look at him.

"Better than I've ever heard her............" Lee added. Barney having to admit that he couldn't argue.

"Yeah, she sounds good. The dials are showing no problems. But we won't know what she's really like until she's up.........."

"Then take her up." Barney interjected. (Y/n) quickly grabbing for the headphones. Not wanting to question anything. Only happy to be behind the controls of a plane again.

"Tower. Antonov An-26 Charlie Tango. Ready on runway two." (Y/n) said, as she spoke through the headphones.

"Antonov An-26 Charlie Tango. This is tower. Proceed to ten thousand feet." A crackly reply came. (Y/n) slowly pushing the throttle forward.

"Now. Let's see what the old girl can do." (Y/n) chuckled, as the bucket of bolts began to pick up speed.  

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