Trust - Part 2 - Conrad Stonebanks x Reader

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"Perfect.....More than perfect." Conrad continued, as he fixed the clasp. (Y/n) opening her eyes and looking down at the necklace that her boss had just placed around her neck. The arms dealer slowly taking her hair out of the bun, so that it could fall over her shoulders.

"Well? What do you think?" Conrad whispered into (Y/n)'s ear. His breath heavy and hot as it fanned over her neck. (Y/n) gulping at the large lump that had formed in her throat, as her shaky hand reached up and took hold of the pendant. Her eyes falling on an image of a golden quill and ink pot.

"It's so you really do always have a pen." Conrad chuckled. A smile creeping across his lips, as he felt (Y/n)'s body tremble. As he heard her breath, labour. As he heard it grow heavy.

"I........I think that it's beautiful. But really, I don't deserve it. I have done nothing more what you pay me to do." (Y/n) replied, as brushed her thumb over the charm in her hand. The pendant probably seeming of little consequence to others. But to her, it meant so much. It meant that Conrad had really been listening to her whenever they spoke. That he had really been noticing her. Her heart beating so fast that she thought that at any moment it would explode out of her chest, as he took some of her hair into his hand and brought it up to his nose. Taking in the odour of the silken strands.

"It pales in comparison to your beauty, now that I have put it on your neck. And believe it when I say that you deserve it, and so much more, (Y/n). You have always done more than what I pay you to do. You are the one that keeps my business running." The arms dealer hummed, as he moved the rest of her hair to one side and ghosted his lips over the flesh of her neck. His own breath now as deep as (Y/n)'s.

"Now." Conrad declared, as he moved away from (Y/n). Chuckling to himself, as he heard her let out a disappointed moan.

"Perhaps you would like to join me for the second part of your bonus." The arms dealer continued, throwing open the doors to the adjacent room. The huge dining before them, set out for a small, intimate dinner. The flickering flames from the candles that littered the room giving the scene an old fashioned romantic air. Like something out of a Jane Austen novel. (Y/n) sure that at any moment she would turn to discover Conrad dressed in period clothing. Her very own Mister Darcy.

"Again, Mister Stonebanks, it's beautiful. Yet I can't understand why you would do this................."

"I told you, (Y/n). Its your bonus." Conrad interrupted, holding out his hand for (Y/n) to take. Her hand slipping happily into his, before he led her into the dining room. Conrad pulling out a chair for her and helping her sit.

"I hope that you won't mind me saying this, sir. And please do not think for one moment that I don't appreciate this. But normally when a boss tells me that I'm to get a bonus, it usually means a little extra in my pay for that month. Admittedly, once I was given a car. But I have never been treated to anything like this before." (Y/n) retorted, as Conrad reached for the crisp, white, neatly folded napkin from the table. Feeling her cheeks heat up as he draped it over her lap.

"Well, I have always liked to do things a little differently, you should know that by now (Y/n). And you are worth far more to me than an increase in salary would suggest. So, I thought that this would be a little more appropriate. That we should enjoy an evening together. I think it's about time that you and I got to know one another better. I find I have so much to ask you. Because I'm sure that there is much more to you than meets the eye." Conrad explained, as he took a seat next to her. His hand reaching out and taking the handle of a small bell between his fingers. The tiny ring causing a sudden flurry of activity, as people entered the candle lit room. Placing a plate of food in front of the pair before disappearing as quickly as they had arrived. (Y/n) unable to stop herself from smiling as she looked at her boss.

Despite what Conrad had led her to believe over the past year, (Y/n) was no fool. As soon as she had begun her work, she had noticed things. She had found paperwork in her files that shouldn't be there. Things that would suggest that his business was not all that he claimed it to be. That there was something a little more nefarious about what he did. But she would never speak to him about it. It wasn't her place. The personal assistant knowing that if Conrad didn't want to involve her in it, then it was nothing to do with her. That it was safer to keep the knowledge to herself and just continue to do what she was paid to do.

Over the years, she had worked for a number of people that had had their fingers in many pies. Some of those pies not necessarily on the right side of the law. But she had always stayed loyal, and nothing would change that, when it came to Conrad. In truth, she had felt more loyalty towards him than she ever had to her previous employers. The fact that he was a handsome man, with a smile that made her mind wander to the most wonderful of things, had nothing to do with that of course...........well, perhaps a little. Though she had never been able to tell him that. But maybe tonight, given the situation, she might be able to change that. She might be able to confess that she hoped for more. That this evening might end with her receiving another kind of bonus.

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