Little games - Part 4 - Vilain x Hector x Reader

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Next part of this imagine for Joanna_joestar. Apologies for being gone so long. I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. I should be back writing properly for our boys again. So, I hope you all enjoy this latest offering. 

"Oh, believe me Vilain when I say, that there is nothing to tell. I am just your regular, common or garden mercenary. Really quite boring." (Y/n) replied, as she took the neatly pressed, crisp, clean white napkin and placed it across her lap. Watching as two more women made their way into the large room. Setting a plate down in front of her and Jean, before quickly making their way back out. The door closed behind them by a rather large, no, make that a very large Sang. (Y/n) having a feeling that given the amount of steroids the guy must have taken to get like that, that his gentleman's area, was probably as small as his IQ.

"I seriously doubt that (Y/n). I am sure that there is much more to you than meets the eye." Vilain replied, as he looked at her over the lip of his champagne flute.

"Well, there is. But you aren't going to see it. Not tonight anyway." (Y/n) smiled, as she picked up a knife and fork and began to eat the delicious looking food. Having really meant it when she had told the Sang leader that being held captive had given her an appetite.

"So, as nice as this all is, Vilain. And the food is wonderful by the way.........lets actually discuss how long you are going to keep me here as your prisoner, shall we?" (Y/n) enquired, as she wiped the corners of her mouth on the napkin.

"Prisoner? Not a prisoner. You are a guest. My guest..............."

"Well, call me a little weird, Vilain. But when I have had guests in the past, I have never felt the need to lock them in and have armed guards stand by the door. But maybe that's just me. So, I shall rephrase the question. How long are you going to keep me as your "guest?" (Y/n) continued. Jean smiling as he rang a small bell on the table.

"I had hoped that you would enjoy being my guest. That I might be able to change your mind about helping me with my little business proposition. That I might be able to change your mind about possibly being more than a business partner." Vilain explained. (Y/n) watching as the women returned to the room and took the plates. The Sang leader jumping to his feet, as the younger one a two woman accidentally dropped something into his lap. The large man from outside the door making his way into the room, as he heard Jean shout. The Hulk wannabe, grabbing hold of the woman by the hair and pulling her to the door. The poor creature sobbing, as his hand gripped tighter.

"Hey ugly!" (Y/n) suddenly called out, as she got to her feet, knocking the table as she went. Cutlery dropping onto the floor as she made her way over to the guard.

"Did no one ever teach you that that is not the way that you treat a lady? No? Well, I am going to show you how a lady treats you, if you do that shit." (Y/n) growled, punching the man across the jaw, and then kneeing him in the crotch. The guard groaning, as he collapsed and rolled around on the floor. The young woman rushing over to the older one. Throwing herself into her arms. The older woman doing her best to console her.

"If I ever see you treat another woman like that while I am forced to be here, I won't go so easy on you." (Y/n) continued, before giving the downed man a swift kick in the guts then turning her attention to the two women.

"Get her out of her." (Y/n) told them. The older woman nodding respectfully, before quickly taking the girl from the room.

"Well, I think I've seen all I need to see. And I have suddenly lost my appetite. I am afraid that I am going to have to inform you that I have no intention of enjoying being your guest. That I have no intention of changing my mind about your little business proposition. And given what has just happened, I know that you and I will never be anything other than unfortunate acquaintances. Now, I suggest that you get Hector and your goon squad to take me back to my cell. Because if you don't, I won't be held responsible for what I do next." (Y/n) warned, as she moved to stand toe to toe with Vilain.

"Please, (Y/n) it was a misunderstand..............."

"Misunderstanding my ass. Hector. Room. Now!" (Y/n) interrupted. Taking a seat back in her chair. Her arms crossed firmly over her chest, as she just stared at Vilain. The Sang leader nodding as he reluctantly made his way to the door. Stepping over the still groaning, prostrate big man, and opening the door. Jean calling out to whoever lay beyond the ingress. (Y/n) slowly getting back to her feet, as she saw the face of Hector appear.

"Such a shame. I had hoped that the evening would have gone a very different way, Jean. But until you can learn how to treat people, I see no reason that you and I should speak again." The female mercenary informed him, before taking a confused Hector's arm.

"If you will escort me to my cell, I would appreciate it." (Y/n) informed the henchman. Hector looking over to Jean, a small nod signalling that he could do as the mercenary wished.


(Y/n) gave Hector a smile, as the door was locked behind her. It was true to say that the evening hadn't gone as she had thought it would. Yet it hadn't all been a complete loss. Her smile growing even broader, as she pulled the knife out from where she had secreted it, when she had "accidentally" knocked the table as she got to her feet. (Y/n) sure that Vilain would be too preoccupied with what had happened, to be concerned with counting the cutlery on the floor. She had to admit that it wasn't perfect. But it was better than nothing. And she had certainly achieved more, with even less. So, all she had to do, was wait until the house fell silent. Until the Sang drank themselves into a stupor. And then she would start on her escape. The locked doors to the small balcony calling her name.

Making her way to the bed, (Y/n) pushed her hand under the bottom of the small set of draws that lay next to the ornate four poster. A grin pulling at the corners of her lips as she found a ledge. A ledge just big enough to hide her knife. The female mercenary placing it there before she pulled on the zip at the back of the dress. The material slowly slipping from her form and landing softly on the floor. (Y/n) turning, as the sound of the door being unlocked filled the quiet space. The mercenary choosing to remain there in all her naked glory, as Hector entered the room.   

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