Unexpected visitor - Part 1 - Gunnar x Reader

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"Well, hello beautiful. How can I be of service to you?" Caesar cooed, as a young woman made her way into the hangar. Her eyes darting between the plane and the rather large man in front of her.

"Oh, er........I was looking for Gunnar Jensen. Someone told me that I might be able to find him here. I..........."

"And who's asking?" A voice came. The young woman turning to look at the plane, as a big man appeared from behind one of the half exposed engines. Another poking his head out through one of the cockpit windows.

"You.......you wouldn't be Mister Ross, would you?" The lady asked. Smiling and nodding at Caesar, before making her way over to where the dark haired man stood, wiping his hands on an already dirty rag.

"Yeah. I'm Barney Ross. How can I help ya?" Barney enquired. Christmas quickly making his way out of the plane to join the pair. Lee interested to find out why such a beautiful woman, would want to find Gunnar of all people.

"It's nice to meet you, sir. As I said, I'm looking for Gunnar Jensen. I was told that the best place to look for him was here. And to ask for you. It's very important that I find him. My name's (Y/n). Gunnar is my.........well, he and my mother were friends a long time ago." (Y/n) explained. Barney and Christmas being joined by Caesar. All of them watching as she made her way over to the plane's engine and placed her hand on it.

"You have an old lady here, Mister Ross. I should imagine that she keeps you busy. I tend to find that the carburettors in these things can get gunked up real easy. And they do enjoy misfiring." (Y/n) said, before Barney could say anything in reply. The three men looking at one another. Christmas just shrugging as Barney made his way over to join their visitor.

"You.....you know a lot about planes, then?"

"I suppose you could say that. I'm a pilot. Well.......I was a pilot until recently. I think I've flown just about everything. Fighter planes, choppers. Even old girls like this. Actually had to fix a few in my time too. You quickly learn how to look after them when you're always up to your elbows in muck and oil. But this lady is just like any other. If you look after her, and treat her right, then she'll do the same for you." (Y/n) replied, with a soft smile. Her nimble fingers twisting and pulling at something within the machine.

"Well, Gunnar should be here any time now. But until then, ya wouldn't mind having a look at her, would ya?" Christmas chimed in. Ignoring the fact that Barney was glaring at him. The big man sure that he was perfectly capable of looking after the bucket of bolts, himself.

"I would love to. I know a few tricks to keep these engines going between services. When I've finished with her, she'll be purring like a pussy cat." (Y/n) replied as she took off her jacket and rolled up her sleeves. Disappearing around the other side of the plane and reaching for a spanner.


"So?" Christmas began, as he looked between Barney, Caesar, his watch and (Y/n). As the now grease covered young woman continued to toil.

"This "Gunnar and my mum used to be friends" thing. You thinking what I'm thinking?" Lee added. A soft smile pulling at the corners of his lips as (Y/n) suddenly began to sing softly. It obvious that she was quite enjoying her labours.

Gunnar should have been at the hangar some time ago. Yet until this moment not one of the men had noticed the time, due to being too engrossed in listening to (Y/n) tell them about their plane, and the machines that she had been lucky enough to fly.

"Don't know. Gunnar never mentioned having a kid, but that doesn't mean anything. Maybe he doesn't even know. Maybe she's gonna be a surprise........."

"Mister Ross, sir. I think that it would be good to take her out and fire her up. I'd like to see how she runs." (Y/n) suddenly said, as she appeared from behind the engine. Christmas and Caesar smiling, as they both saw the smug of dirty oil that was spread across her face.

"She should be ok, but you can never tell until they run for a little while." She added. Fighting back a blush as Lee gestured to his face, (Y/n) realising that the Englishman was telling her that she was covered in oil. Her heart pounding a little faster as he smiled and winked at her, as she wiped her face.

Before Barney could say anything in reply, a familiar large figure made his way into the hangar. The smell of the contents of his hip flask drifting along in the ether as he made his way over to where the three other men sat. The big Swede not seeming to notice the woman that was stood next to the old plane.

"Where've you been? Ya were supposed to be here an hour ago. You have a visitor." Christmas said. Grinning as the blonde huffed and dropped into one of the chairs. Not really in the mood for Lee's jovial nature so early in the afternoon.

"If you must know, I had to care of some things. And what do you mean, I have a visitor?" Gunnar grumbled. His eyes following Lee and Caesar's finger as they pointed over to where (Y/n) stood. His eyes growing wide as he watched her come further into the light.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here? I thought you were on deployment." Gunnar said, as he got to his feet and made his way over to her. Neither he nor (Y/n) seeming to know what to do as they stood in front of one another.

"I was until about six months ago. When I got back, mom fell ill. She........she died two weeks ago. I would have let you know, but I wasn't sure how to reach you. I searched through all her paperwork, but.........I'm here because I resigned my commission. I thought that perhaps I could come and stay here for a while. Get to know you better. Maybe even........maybe I could even help out around here until I can find something else to do. I promise that I won't bother you. Its just with losing mom, I thought it was about time that you and I.........." (Y/n) explained. Gunnar looking the young woman up and down as she spoke. A young woman that he had never seen in real life. And only knew from the pictures and letters that her mother would send him.

"Er..........." A cough came. Gunnar and (Y/n) looking over to where the three other men still sat.

"Aren't you gonna introduce us properly?" Christmas asked. He, Barney and Caesar looking up at Gunnar. The big Swede seeming to think for a moment before he turned his attention back to (Y/n).

"(Y/n) I would like you to meet the guys. Guys, I would like you to meet (Y/n). My daughter."  

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