The End of Mortis

Start from the beginning

"Very well," the Father sighed. "If balance is to be restored, what has been seen by you both must be forgotten." The Father placed two fingers on the foreheads of both (Y/N) and Anakin, causing a slight humming to be heard and the two to pass out, seemingly from exhaustion.

When the two awoke, they were in the courtyard where Anakin had had his test, the Father kneeling between the two. (Y/N) was the first to awaken, but only by mere moments, as while he was looking around, Anakin got right to the questions.

"Where am I?" he asked, not fully recognizing his surroundings due to having just awoken.

"I brought you back to my monastery. My Son broke the laws of time, and showed you, both of you, things that you should never have seen. I have taken the liberty of reversing this error."

"You messed with my head?" (Y/N) asked, annoyed. "I swear, if Nox isn't there..."

"Don't worry, (Y/N), I'm still here." Nox said, seemingly from outside of (Y/N)'s head. "Though I too have no recollection of the time since the Daughter was killed..." (Y/N) turned to where the voice was coming from, and sure enough, Nox's ghost was right there. However, (Y/N) was not the only one to see him, as Anakin turned his head as well. Nox turned to the Father, preparing to ask some questions of his own.

"Would it be alright if we take a few things from your library?" Nox asked the Father. "If what I sense is to indeed happen, then we're going to want to preserve some of that knowledge."

"It will not matter anyway," the Father replied, somberly. "Once you leave this planet, any items you did not enter with will not follow you out. The only things capable of true departure are people."

"In that case, I'm going to head back to the library," (Y/N) announced. "If what you say is true, I better memorize all I can." With those words leaving his mouth, (Y/N) was about to leave for the monastery's library, but was stopped by Anakin.

"Hold on a moment, who is this?" Anakin questioned, gesturing towards the ghost of Darth Nox.

"That's my ancestor, Anakin," (Y/N) explained. "He's the one who taught me all I know about the Dark Side, at least that which wasn't learned through the library here. As for how he's here, well, I kind of ate his ghost like morning rations at his prompting. Not too bad, from what he tells me."

"Indeed," Nox continued. "I have a nice little apartment inside (Y/N)'s hippocampus. Not as luxurious as the Dark Council chambers on Korriban, but better than being trapped inside that ship for three thousand years."

"Master!" the four could hear someone yell. It was Ahsoka, riding in alongside Obi-Wan on a speeder bike, specifically the one that Anakin had used to go from the Well to their ship.

"Are you alright?" Obi-Wan asked his old Padawan.

"I think so," Anakin replied, standing up once again. "We have to stop the Son once and for all."

"We have little time," the Father cautioned, "and you will only get one chance. You know what you must do."

"How quaint," the Son interrupted, swooping down from the sky in much the same way he had in the Well. "My own personal little send-off."

"I will ask you one last time. Please, do not attempt to leave, my son!"

"You have no power to keep me here, old man," the Son replied. "You must understand by now, this place is not my destiny!"

"What you plan to do will destroy all that is good!" the Father exclaimed. "Please, restrain yourself, and stay!" the Father pleaded, hoping to reason with his last living child.

"I cannot."

"Then what must happen, shall be." The Father backed away from the Son, who by now had Anakin Skywalker standing across from him. Anakin ignited his blue blade, ready to charge the Son. He made a pair of swings at the Celestial, who simply blocked them with his forearms as the blade bounced off. As Anakin was moving towards the other side to swing again, the Son stuck his hand out and pulled Anakin by the neck and began choking him. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka ignited their own lightsabers, but the Son simply used the Force to rip them from their hands and push them away. (Y/N) shot lightning at the Son, but he once again simply swatted the lightning away, chuckling.

The Father looked towards the Son's waist, seeing the Dagger of Mortis. He used the Force to take it from the Son's belt, and held it up. The Son threw Anakin behind him, and began taunting the Father.

"What? You're going to kill me now?" the Son asked, laughing as if he had heard the funniest joke in the universe.

"I had hoped that you could resist the Dark Side, as that boy appears to have for now. But now," the Father began, turning the Dagger upon himself, "that there is no going back."

"Father," the Son began, showing genuine regret for the first time since the mortals arrived at Mortis. The Father stabbed himself in the heart, a certainly fatal wound. "No!" the Son screamed, running to his father's side, ripping the dagger from his heart. "What have you done?! It did not have to be this way!"

"Yes, my son, it did. We are tied together, and your strength runs through me," the Father explained, struggling to speak. "This way, I take your power."

"Please, don't die," the Son sobbed, regret across the entirety of his face.

"I always knew there was good in you." The two members of the family embraced one final time, as Anakin ignited his lightsaber from behind the Son. Skywalker stabbed both of them through the chest, with the Son unable to react in time to stop it.

"So you have betrayed me, father," the Son said, his final emotion being disappointment, before finally falling to the ground, his red eyes no longer shining. As the light in the Son's eyes faded, the crimson lightning sparking across the skin of (Y/N)'s hands and forearms followed, leaving naught but scars in the shape of eyes on the back of his hand. The boy sighed. While he was somewhat disappointed that the power had faded, he was glad that he could interact with standard electronics again without unintentionally frying their circuitry.

"It is done," Anakin sighed, happy that the nightmare was finally over.

"Indeed. And now, I die, my heart broken," the Father began, interrupted by a violent coughing fit, "but knowing the role you will play."

"And what is that?" Anakin replied.

"You are the Chosen One. You have brought balance to this world. Stay on your path, and you shall do it again, this time for the galaxy," the Father explained. "But still, beware... your... power." The Father was unable to continue, falling to his left, and passing on into death, his body fading. However, no sooner had he taken his final breaths as the planet itself began to implode. The crystal above the monastery shattered, letting out a bright flash of light, blinding everyone left on the planet.

The very next thing that (Y/N) remembered was waking up at his ship's navigation console, a massive Republic Venator outside his window.

"Oh, kriff," (Y/N) muttered to himself, rushing to get all of the ship's systems online. He attempted to fly away from the Venator before they could notice, but it was already too late. He was caught in the ship's tractor beam.

"Oh boy," (Y/N) muttered. "Here we go."

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