Fight at the Generators, A New Crewmate

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The three members of Overwatch stood across from the two Jedi, waiting for them to make the first move. Their patience was rewarded when Anakin ran forward, swinging his lightsaber at Echo. In response, she dodged to her right, letting out a small zap of lightning at him. He raised his lightsaber to block it, then swung it towards where Sombra was to redirect it to her. She dodged by translocating behind Ahsoka, attempting to shoot her in the back with her blaster, though Ahsoka was ready for it. Ahsoka deflected the shots before swinging her own lightsaber at Sombra. She connected, but barely, leaving a scratch on the slicer. Sombra hissed in pain, not expecting it to actually work. Seeing her companion in pain, Mercy flew over Sombra, connecting the yellow beam from her staff to her. The cut healed quickly, and Sombra quickly thanked Mercy before turning her attention back to her opponent. Seeing where else she was needed; she saw that Echo was struggling to hit Anakin. So, Mercy attempted to fly over towards her to help.

Anakin sensed the angelic doctor approaching, so he quickly turned and sliced off one of her mechanical wings. She tumbled to the ground, not expecting the lack of a wing. She quickly got up, though, and began to use the blue beam of her staff on Echo.

"I am empowered!" the droid yelled, feeling like she could take on the world. She blasted Anakin with lightning again, and Anakin responded as he had before. However, unlike last time where he managed to deflect it with ease, here he struggled to deflect it. When Echo stopped, Anakin attempted to swing at Mercy seeing that she was the one making this fight harder.

"Heroes never die!" Mercy yelled, the passphrase to disable the safety locks on her wings. She dodged the lightsaber, making a move towards her removed wing. Once she had it in her hands, she held it near the nub where it was cut from, before turning her staff on herself. She healed the wing before taking off from the battle.

"Echo, time to go!" she yelled, as it was unlikely they could win. Echo ended the simulation of (Y/N)'s abilities, before taking off as well to follow her.

"Catch you later," Sombra said to Ahsoka before translocating, landing next to (Y/N), who was moving as quickly as he could towards the speeder pad.

"Sombra? What are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked her. He quickly hopped onto one of the speeders parked there and turned it on by zapping the ignition port, letting her on before flying away. He flew to the spaceport where his ship was parked, or at least that was the plan. Not long after he started flying, though, he found himself tailed by a security speeder full of Clone troopers. They fired a few blaster shots at him, trying to knock him off the speeder. The bolts flew past his head, nearly taking the hood off his head. (Y/N) pulled the controls of the speeder upwards, causing the nose of the speeder to raise towards the sky. The security followed him into the sky, so (Y/N) pushed the throttle further. He could feel the speeder beginning to stall out from under him, and he allowed it to happen, allowing the nose to face the incoming security speeder. When it did, he pushed a hand towards where he expected the security speeder to be, only to find nothing there. He looked around to see if it hadn't followed him, only to see it plummeting towards the surface.

"Thank me later," Sombra said behind him.

There was a large explosion behind (Y/N) as he continued his flight to the spaceport. When he arrived, he saw that there was an entire squad of troopers waiting for him. So, he sought a different place to park. When he found one, he parked and quickly made his way to the hangar where his ship was parked with Sombra quickly in two. He quickly hopped aboard the Reckoner and got behind the controls, asking Sombra to man the hyperspace computer. He began his takeoff sequence, quickly being contacted by Coruscant Air Traffic Control.

"Starship Reckoner, you do not have permission to leave. I repeat, you DO NOT have permission to leave. Land your craft now or we will be forced to engage planetary defenses."

"Traffic Control, go kriff yourself," (Y/N) swore before turning off his radio. He knew this was going to need to be the fanciest flying he'd ever done if he wanted to make it off Coruscant.

"Nox, tell me what I'm doing here!" (Y/N) yelled at the Sith Lord who had taken up residence in his head.

"Roll and pray, (Y/N)," Nox said. "Roll and pray."

"Oh, great advice," (Y/N) sighed sarcastically. He heard the sound of lasers charging up behind him, so he yanked the controls to the right. He felt the ship pull to the right, as he had instructed it, dodging the lasers fired at him.

"C'mon, c'mon..." (Y/N) uttered, pushing the ship as far as it could go. "Nearly there..."

The ship escaped the atmosphere of Coruscant, lasers still being fired at it. (Y/N) dodged another round of bolts before turning his attention to Sombra, who had a question for him.

"Where are we going, Sumannous?" she asked, hurriedly.

"I don't know!" (Y/N) yelled. "Just take us to some backwater planet in the Outer Rim!"

"Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down, pendejo?" she replied, cussing him out.

"I don't know, just pick one! I'm busy making sure we don't get shot down!"

"Alright, looks like we're going to Lothal," Sombra said. "I have a contact there; they should be able to help us."

Back with Overwatch, Mercy had called a meeting between the members that were already on Coruscant. Assembled were Winston, Ana, Genji, Soldier: 76, Zenyatta, and Tracer. A few others were present on the phone, such as Sojourn, Sigma, and Cole "Cassidy" McCree.

"What is going on, Angela?" Genji asked, having received no notice other than that there was a need for a meeting.

"Before we begin, I must apologize for what our actions have caused," Mercy explained. "I, Sombra, and Echo were assigned to assist with relief efforts at the generators that exploded recently. While there, we were assisted by a man named Sumannous Kallig. He and Sombra worked together to prevent the generator they were in from overloading at great cost to his own health. However, once they were done, a pair of Jedi attempted to arrest Sumannous for 'treason and being a practicing Sith Lord.'" She emphasized the air quotes around the accusations. "As a result, all three of us are considered criminals by the Jedi Order, or we can only assume. They were quite adamant about arresting Sumannous."

"And with you three on their bad side, that likely places all of us on it as well," Ana sighed, disappointed in Angela and Echo.

"Wait, where's Sombra now?" Cassidy asked. "She still owes me for leaking my search history."

"She's either escaped into the underbelly of Coruscant, or she escaped alongside Sumannous. Either option is... not the best," Mercy answered.

"So, in short, avoid any Jedi and be on the lookout for Talon. Same as normal," Sojourn summarized.

"Hold on," 76 interrupted, "the Jedi attempted to arrest him for treason? What did he do?"

"As far as I can tell, his treasonous crime was being a 'Sith Lord,' whatever that is," Echo replied.

"So, then the Jedi attempted to arrest someone for religious reasons?" Zenyatta asked. "Is that not directly against the ideas of the Republic?"

"Yeah," 76 sighed, "it is."

"So, then what can we do then? We're already dealing with the Separatists, how are we supposed to deal with Jedi as well? Isn't that treason?" Tracer asked.

"If I may," Winston piped up, "I think I have a solution. We extend this Sumannous an invitation to join us, he clearly has the spirit we search for. If he joins us, we recall all Overwatch agents until the Jedi agree to stop hunting him. If he declines, we could always just pay for his legal case."

"Winston, you know that we can't make that offer unless more of us are here," 76 sighed.

"Of course not," the ape laughed, "but merely a suggestion for the next time we have enough people here."

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