Jenny Shun

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Name: Jenny Shun

Alias: Jen, Jenny

Nationality: Malaysia

Personality: Happy go lucky, positive, optimistic, motivated, kind, friendly, calm, hardworking, smart

Blood type: O

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Birthday: 27 August

Hair colour: Light blue

Eye colour: Brown

Height: 155 cm

Races: Chinese

Occupation: Student, athlete, fashion icon

Status: Alive

Likes: Corey, sports, K-pop, studying, mind games, gymnastic, badminton, food, singing, dancing, martial arts, fashion, shopping, makeup

Dislikes: Annoying people, people who disturb her, bullying, being cheated

Alignment: Good

Power: None

Abilities: Good at studies, good at sports, sweet voice, mentally strong, good at technology, good at medical, martial arts, good at cooking, can memorize everything

Social Media Account (for now):

- SocialNation: 47M followers
- YouTube: 45.7M subscribers
- Instagram: 50M followers
- Facebook: 42.7M followers
- Twitter: 40.9M followers
- TikTok: 37.6M followers


- Intelligence: 6/5
- Physical Strength: 5/5
- Resilience: 3/5
- Health: 5/5
- Athleticism: 5/5
- Beauty: 4/5


- Corey's cousin (From his father's side)

- She studies at National Athlete Training School

- Her favourite food is red velvet cake and strawberry cake

- Her favourite drink is fruit juice

- She likes to practice sports with Corey

- Her dream is to be international athlete

- She likes to practice sports with Asuka too. (Asuka said Jenny is his worthy opponent)

- She is a real beauty, brain and strong

- She has many followers on social media

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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