Aryan Zhang

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Name: Aryan Zhang

Alias: Ar, Aryan

Nationality: Malaysia

Personality: Cheerful, talkative, confident, motivated, brave, friendly

Blood type: A

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Birthday: 11 December

Hair colour: Blonde

Eye colour: Blue

Height: 160 cm

Races: Chinese

Occupation: Student, model, singer, fashion icon

Status: Alive

Likes: Mia, Arisha, his siblings, his family, speech, speaking, sports, chat with friends, food, friends, technology

Dislikes: People who disturb Mia, people who bullying Mia

Alignment: Good

Power: Regrow body (If his body break up, his body can grow back. For example, when he donate his organ, his organ will grow back)

Abilities: Good at studies, good at sports, can speak without stuttering, sweet voice, good at technology, wise to speak and give insight, think 5 steps ahead, good at drawing

Social Media Account (for now):

- SocialNation: 55.8M followers
- YouTube: 47.8M subscribers
- Instagram: 52.7M followers
- Facebook: 46.6M followers
- Twitter: 42.7M followers
- TikTok: 40.4M followers


- Intelligence: 6/5
- Physical Strength: 5/5
- Resilience: 5/5
- Health: 6/5
- Athleticism: 5/5
- Attractiveness: 5/5


- Mia's cousin (From his father's side)

- He is very close with Mia

- He likes to donate his organs to any hospital and help people

- His favourite food is Mia's cooking

- His favourite drink is milk

- He likes to surfing the internet, playing sports, teasing Mia, do his homework

- He go to the same school with Anthony and Andrew

- His dream is to be politicians

- He have a crush on Arisha

- He has many followers on social media

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