Ariana Wang

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Name: Ariana Wang

Alias: Riana, Ariana

Nationality: Malaysia

Personality: Cheerful, active, loyal, kind, confident, motivated

Blood type: B

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Birthday: 28 March

Hair colour: Red

Eye colour: Gold

Height: 155 cm

Races: Chinese

Occupation: Student, actress, singer, model, fashion icon

Status: Alive

Likes: Charles, playing piano, cooking, shopping, computer, dessert, music, book, cute things, gymnastic, singing, dancing, shopping, fashion, makeup

Dislikes: Annoying people, her enemies, stalker

Alignment: Good

Power: Ice

Abilities: Proficient in all fields, enhanced abilities, fast learner

Social Media Account (for now):

- SocialNation: 35.7M followers
- YouTube: 27.8M followers
- Instagram: 30M followers
- Facebook: 26.8 followers
- Twitter: 24.6M followers
- TikTok: 22.5M followers


- Intelligence: 6/5
- Physical Strength: 5/5
- Resilience: 5/5
- Health: 4/5
- Athleticism: 5/5
- Beauty: 5/5


- Charles's cousin (From his father's side)

- Her favourite food is Korean ramen

- Her favourite drink is Marshmallow Hot Cocoa

- Her hobby is gymnastic training and shopping

- She is one of famous teen actress, model and singer

- Her school is The Royale International School

- She also likes to use her power

- Arisha's older sister

- She is from superpower mafia's family

- She has many followers on social media

P/S: She have red hair and gold eyes. Not every ice users have white hair and blue eyes

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