Chris Evans

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Name: Chris Evans

Alias: Chris, headhunter

Nationality: Malaysia

Personality: Friendly, cruel (with his enemies), kind, firm

Blood type: AB

Gender: Male

Age: 12

Birthday: 1 April

Hair colour: Light brown

Eye colour: Hazel

Height: 163 cm

Races: Chinese, American, Spanish

Occupation: Mafia, assassin, student

Status: Alive

Likes: Killing, his family, reading, hacking, Ariana, firearm, Charis

Dislikes: People who hurts his family

Alignment: Bad (when with his enemies), good (when with Candy Series characters)

Power: None

Abilities: Marksmanship, good at studies, good at technology, good at sports, good at gaming, martial arts, master hand to hand combat

Social Media Account (for now):

- SocialNation: 47M followers
- YouTube: 34.6M subscribers
- Instagram: 40.6M followers
- Facebook: 30.7M followers
- Twitter: 29.7M followers
- TikTok: 26.8M followers


- Intelligence: 6/5
- Physical Strength: 5/5
- Resilience: 4/5
- Health: 4/5
- Athleticism: 5/5
- Attractiveness: 5/5


- Charis's youngest brother

- Charles's step cousin

- Ariana and Arisha's parents adopted him

- He likes to kill his enemies

- His favourite food is all dessert and Charis's cooking

- His favourite drink is black coffee

- His school is The Royale Primary School

- He entered his family mafia's group

- He has many followers on social media

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