"Enslaved them?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes. They endured a week long torture chamber of cleaning, cooking, and other types or labor work."

He got silent for a second.

"Well, at least that's what Eddy and Ed had to deal with. Double-D had it worse. Marie was -and still is- obsessed with Edd-boy, so when she had him to all to herself, she went all out. There was a lot of... mental and sexual abuse."

I stood up from the couch.

"Sexual?!" I yelled at him. "She ripped his innocence away from him? His purity?!" I was beyond angry.

"Kevin please," he raised his arms up to calm me down, "I need you to let me finish, or else you won't know the whole story."

I sat down and leaned back into the couch, trying to get as 'calm' as I could.

"They were supposed to be gone for five days or so because that's how long Sarah could stay with Jimmy and his parents. Sarah came home and saw Ed wasn't there so she just thought he was gonna be out and enjoyed her day alone. But when the next day came around and he still wasn't home, she got nervous and called Nazz to come over. The next thing you know, I'm being called up and automatically getting volunteered to go on this man-hunt.

He took a drink of water.

"All this talking to drying up my throat." He said.

"Anyways, we searched all around Peach Creek and found them trapped in the Kankers' trailer. We called the police and they came and got the boys out and then arrested the girls. Well, they arrested Lee and may, but not Marie. She up and ran, escaping them."

He finally finishes and waits for me to absorb it all.

"So, how come I've never been told about this?" I ask.

"Edd-boy's parents paid a lot of money to keep this off the news and hired people to keep Edd-boy safe, including myself. But he doesn't know that so please don't tell him."

"I, uhm, I won't"

You won't have to protect him once I'm done here.

"How did you know Marie was behind the Brandon thing?"

"Because she was there, at the cul-de-sac, where it all went down." He breathes in. "I saw her."

"Christ." I groaned to myself.

"When I was loaded into the ambulance, I saw her run from behind one of the houses and back behind the junk yard. She's out of hiding and is back to get Double-D. She's been a fugitive for three years now."

"Well she's not having him." I stood up from the couch.

"The love of my life is in danger of being stolen away from me and used as a sex slave again and you say 'don't do anything rash'? How can I not?" I yell at him.

"You'll just be fueling the fire. Just let us professionals handle this." Rolf stood up and put his hand on my shoulder.

I moved away from him, causing his hand to fall off me.

"Thank you for the information. I'm going to take my leave." I said, turning away from him and walking out the door.

He yelled something after me but I didn't care, my mind was set.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I wondered around the back of the junk yard, looking for a trailer or hut, anything that a person could live in. I then spot a tiny trailer looking thing for into the woods. It was made of rusted metal and wood. There was a screen door hanging off the trailer with a wooden one behind it. There was white paint pealing off the wood and it looked like it went through the great depression or something. It was pretty trashed. There was one window on the front and it had black curtains hanging in front of it from the inside, making it impossible for me to look in to see if anyone was even there.

Two Types of Chemistry (Kevedd)Where stories live. Discover now