17 | Clouded Mind/s

Start from the beginning

"T-that's.... traumatizing you know... how is he right now?? Is he doing fine?? What if we-we send him to the orphanage??"

"That's a good idea. But what about his father? He will be hurt not with his son for sure."

"You know. If he really love his son, he will love him truly. Will never put his hand to the boy. Will shower him so much love. Will never make his son traumatized. Let him, let him be sad if he really is. He should know that people has their own lives."

"You're right...."

"Thanks, anything else?"

"N-nothing else...."

"No, I see there's something else."

"T-there's really nothing else."

"No, I swear. Just tell me and I'll listen."

"Fine.... it's just. Danielle."

"Danielle? What's with her?"

"I-I like her..."

"You like her?"

"Yeah... please don't tell her. I-I'm planning to tell her later night..."

"Sure you can count on me."

"I like her ever since our first meet. Hyein is her ex. And I-I think she still loves Hyein.."

"What made you think that?"

"She always says something sweet to like, for someone and I know it's for Hyein."

"No, no, don't think like that always, what if the sweet things she's saying is really meant for you?"

"There's no way she'll love me. But at the same time, I believe that she will love me back. I don't know anymore Hanni, my mind will going to explode."

"I understand."

"What about you? What about your feelings? I know there's something in there."

"Yeah, there's really something. So many questions. It's a mess. Everything is a mess."

"Spill? I wanna know, I will listen."

"You know Hyein right?"


"I kinda like her. But I also like Minji. I'm so red flag don't you think? I like Minji and I don't want someone to take her. But I also like Hyein and Hyein seems to like me too and I let Hyein take me from Minji. I'mmm sooo red flag and a mess, right? Haha...."

"I know. Maybe I understand. That's really a mess but you're not. You're not a red flag. It's just what you feel."

"No, tell me please. Be honest. I'm a red flag right??"

Tears flow from my eyes and I wipe it off. The van stopped and Haerin got off to her place and went beside me to give me a hug as I hug her back.

"It's okay. But you're not a red flag okay? Don't think too much. It will go away soon. Just maybe give yourself a time, okay? Just love who your hearts love."

"But I love them both.."

"It is really a mess. That's sad because you love them both, we all know that one person can't love two person. But maybe, you should really make sure who you really love."

"That's hard. How am I supposed to find out?"

"Uhm. I don't know either. But, I think, I guess, you should try to not think about your feelings at least for weeks or month and then, after that, think and listen to your heart and see who you really love more out of the two of them. That might help but it's still your decision."

"Thanks.... that might help... thank you Hae..."

"We are bestfriends here, bestfriends help each other. I love you, okay?"

"I love you too, thank you for being my friend..."

"You're always welcome Han."


Car. Evening.

How do I say to Hanni that I like her? Until when am I gonna hide this special feelings? I wanna tell her that i like her that I love her. But how? What if she likes Minji already? I don't want to ruin our friendship. Maybe, soon. But for now, I should hide it. Why can't I have my own love story? Why is there always someone? When will the destiny gonna make it right? When will cupid shoot my heart for the right person? Is Hanni the right person? Nah? I guess? I don't know. Love is really confusing. Just give me my future.


Building. Evening.

Will Haerin gonna love me back? Is it impossible? Is she going to believe me when I say that the love and sweet things I always say is for her and not for Hyein? Will she going to believe that I love her? Will she going to believe that I don't love Hyein anymore? Will she going to believe that I love her a long time ago? So many questions running in my mind. I can't focus. When am I planning to confess to her? I am afraid to get hurt. Yes. I am. I like her, I love her, I'm in love with her. Why's life like this? They say you should enjoy life, how am I supposed to enjoy my life when I have these things in my life? Explain. I need help. When should I confess to her?

me breaking down, crying my heart out, sobbing, screaming, singing but still managed to write this chapter while doing that all 🥲💅

(may 24, 2023)

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