15 | Friendless Student | Lee Hyein

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University. Morning.

After almost two hours, I finally finished my exam and head master Dara said she'll update me about my total score. When I got out from the room, there's some students waiting for me, I don't know why.

"Miss Pham, miss Pham! Can we ask you some questions??"

"Yeah sure!"

And then they begun to ask some few and easy questions about me and about me and Minji. I need to lie at some other questions about me and Minji because I don't want to ruin my relationship with Minji, what relationship really I have with Minji? I don't know. Friends? I might say.

I had fun answering their questions and the bell rung it means, the class will gonna start in just a minutes. So they bid goodbye to me and I did the same. It's really fun talking with people, I don't know why Minji doesn't like it. I went to my first subject and everyone was friendly to me. I'm sooo happy to meet another friends! Professor arrived and she was so happy for me and Minji, I just said thank you because what more should I say?

She started to discuss something and I got bored since I already knew this topic. I just look at some students one by one and one person caught my attention. She's wearing earphone, is that okay with miss kim? If yes, that's cool then! She's so quiet even when I arrived, she was the only one in the corner reading with an earphone peacefully, I haven't seen her face yet and I'm interested. Professor asked a question and I immediately answered it since it was too easy. After an hours I don't know. The class is over and everyone was asking me if I would like to join with them for lunch.

"Uh. Sorry guys but I-I have someone to eat with.... maybe... maybe next time! I promise to eat with you guys!"

"That's okay! We understand. Enjoy your lunch with that someone! Hehe~"

They all left and I walked towards the girl packing her stuff inside her bag. I knocked to her desk and she just stared at me blankly. She looks friendless and lonely, she's pretty cute. She doesn't have friends?

"Uhm hey."


"Would you like to eat lunch with me...?"


I was a bit disappointed and hurt at her answer but I still didn't give up.

"I-I can treat you lunch!"

"I said no."

"B-but why....?"

She stared at me before answering.

"I don't like to eat with someone who's pretty popular. I don't want to be bullied again. So, leave me alone."

Bullied? So she was bullied? That's why? I want to know her more. I wanna be her friend. She stood up leaving the classroom and I followed her.

"Can you stop following me around?? Leave me alone!"

"I.... I just wanna be your friend...!"

"I don't want to befriend with anyone."

"J-just tell me your name!"

"You. Don't. Care."

She left me standing like an idiot. Right, I don't care, why do I care? I just smiled and nodded before going to the library. I think I don't have any appetite to eat. I was trying to reach the book from above and someone accidentally swayed it and it fell to my head causing me to let out a little groan.


She whispered and immediately hugged me while touching my head.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry miss."

She's so.... fine?! Her scent?!?! The hug?!?! The height?!?! What?!? Who is she??!? She later on broke the hug and I look shocked.


I almost shout and she also looks shock.

"WAIT! I-I think I know you! Are you..... my cousin's fake girlfriend?!?!"

I immediately covered her mouth and looked around.

"Keep that! So it's you?!"


"The famous vlogger?!"


"God. I am your top one fan!"

"Really?! Damn it!! This interaction is so fun!!"

"I know right!!"


Now, how do I hide the happiness, and the butterflies in my stomach? Now that she's in front of me. I'm pretty sure she's the 'sweetkindhoney' on instagram that I used to talk and flirt with.

"A-are you the 'sweetkindhoney' on instagram??"

"Oh hell yeah!!"

"Ssshhhiiittt it's youu!! My jagi?!?!"

We laughed and left the library, I supposed to study right now but nah, look at me now, sweet talking with MY crush. Damn, it's been a days when the last time she texted me. At least! She's talking with me right now.

"I can't believe it! I'm really talking in person to you!"

I laughed and I attempted to hold her hand but the thought of people might think that Hanni is having a relationship with another girl is holding me back.

I mean, I know, I know that she's just Minji's fake girlfriend but still! She was knew to be Minji's girlfriend. And, I don't want to ruin that. So, I kept my hand close and far away from her. Minji always told me about Hanni so I became interested with her. Until, this girl, this user sweetkindhoney came. She seems so similar with Hanni that Minji telling me. So sometimes I thought that it's her and yes! I am right!!!

I feel a little bit guilty. Because she's Minji's partner, not like a lover huh. Just a partner. And then, I'm having a huge crush on her. What if Minji falls in love with her? And Hanni loves another? What will happen then? Ugh, why am I thinking these stuff?? I should be happy and not worried because she's beside me, walking with me right now.

"Ittt'sss really so unbelievable!!"

"I know right, jagi??"

We laughed and I still can remember how we call each other even we're not lovers. 'jagi' or 'jagiya' we call each other that and I liked it. My delulu side for her is activating. Sometimes, I think of, what if someday she became mine? But, what will happen to Minji? And like that. My world is just like that. Sometimes full of her, sometimes full of studies and internet.

If I didn't continue to hold her hand, she did it, she held my hand and looked at me happily. My mind went blank but full of her. Suddenly, like in kdrama, the world seemed tp stopped and there's only me and Hanni moving. She looks so happy, she looks like an angel that got fallen from the heaven. I don't know anymore. I'm going crazy, she's so gorgeous, so goddess. Can I keep her forever? Can I stole her from Minji? Can she be mine? Can my wishes come true?

i'm a little bit busy these days. sorry for not updating, i'm uh tryna to do my homeworks because it's too many now. and my math? i think i wanna disappear. and what, what, what again?? vacation on july and back to school at august? oh satan take me already.

(may 24, 2023)

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