I Hate You, Black

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"I think this is the best dressed I've seen you, Jayce." Remus handed Jayce a cinnamon roll.

"Call me that one more time and lycanthropy will be the least of your problems, Lupin." Jayce rolled her eyes, taking a bite of the cinnamon roll.

"I'm surprised you even came to the party," Remus told her.

"I had nothing better to do." Jayce shrugged.

"Or you're just here to keep an eye on Sirius and Jane," Remus added.

"Shove off, I'm over him." Jayce scoffed.

"And is Marshall helping?"

"Oh my God, for the millionth time, we aren't together. Honestly, can't girls and guys just be friends?"

"I know, I'm just teasing you, it's adorable." Remus snickered.

"Whatever." Jayce scowled, trying to hide the smile that was showing. "I didn't know you took Potions this year."

"I didn't. I came as a plus one." Remus said, taking a sip of his drink. "Mm, hot chocolate. Want some?"

"I'm good. You probably need it more than me." Jayce told him.

"It's only bad after the transformation. I feel fine right now." Remus said.

"I know, I just feel bad knowing I can't help." Jayce grimaced.

"You do help, you know." Remus pointed out. "By keeping it a secret and making sure we have someone to rely on when we all transform, you're already doing me a lot of favors."

"Shove off, anyone with decency would do that." Jayce rolled her eyes.

Remus chuckled.

Sirius was his friend, but he understood how Jayce was feeling.

After all, he was in her place at some point. Not exactly, but something similar. He didn't know how he and Sirius were still friends, but maybe he loved the latter too much to let him go.

And as much as he sympathized with Jayce, he wasn't like Sirius. He would always stand up for his friend and he knew, deep down, that this was a tear Jayce and Sirius could both overcome. But, with time and support.

"You're better than Sirius sometimes, you know that?"

"I'm always better than him. But, what makes you say that?" Jayce asked, a flattering smile overtaking her feautures.

"During our fifth year, he tried to prank Snape by telling him to go to the Shrieking Shack when I transformed. He got to know." Remus explained.

"Yo, what?" Jayce's jaw dropped.

"I know. I didn't talk to him for a month after that."

"I wouldn't talk to him ever," Jayce exclaimed. "That's such a shitty thing to do."

"If it weren't for James, Snape would've been dead," Remus added. "He saved him after he found out what Sirius planned on doing."

"Salazar, why are you telling me this now?"

"I dunno, I just randomly thought of it." Remus shrugged.

"He's such a dick, I hate him sometimes." Jayce scowled.

"Even with women, I must admit." Remus sighed. "But, he's a good guy. Deep down. And if he loves you, you'll know it. Trust me, I was there at one point. Platonically."

Jayce chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

"Did you or did you not see him flirting with Jane Flame for a while?" Remus asked.

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